Thursday, March 10, 2011

Treatment For Seb Derm

# The primacy of the will of the people

Berlusconi often says he the consent of the Italian people, and therefore must be able to govern until the natural end of its mandate, no matter what happens, scandal or no scandal, with majorities more or less solid and therefore Or any suggestion that his government would not be a subversion of the popular will of which he is the first expression. The will of the people then is central to the claims of legitimacy to govern the premier, and therefore can not be the beacon of the government.

For example, sensing the growing discomfort of some of the female electorate against the humiliating image of the woman who escapes from the premier private affairs being investigated by the Milan prosecutors, the government has seen fit to interpret that discontent by approving the bill on shares rose on the boards of listed companies or semi-public, according to which measure starting from 2015 the board of directors should be composed of 30% of women . In short, the goal is to impose by law gender equality, even a smaller minority gender, since it requires a share of third, as if more would be asking too much. But then the shares rose to be exactly what they were thinking when women took to the streets to reclaim their dignity.

are very well known to the Italian justice dysfunction, characterized by a proverbial slowness record in the standards which are often cumbersome (average for a civil ruling of first instance, it takes more than 1000 days ), which makes our system of justice one of the most inefficient in the world. For example, the Doing Business Report 2011 World Bank Square in Italy on 183 157esimo place in the ranking of countries according to the legal certainty and respect for contracts, and a performance so bad its affecting the sidereal time for the resolution of civil disputes , which then represent the additional burden to the State inefficiencies and burdens on citizens and on the free initiative of homegrown small businesses, and which have obvious negative impacts on the most foreign investment heavily discouraged to flow in Italy. Consequently, the government of Prime Minister who embodies the will of the people as Jesus embodied the Father has given the green light to reform era of justice, which will benefit all citizens. When it enters into force - in a long time, if ever - the Italian justice finally will be fairer and more efficient, not so much through shared innovations (separation careers and civil liability of judges), but surely thanks to innovations such as the irrevocably acquittals in the first degree or fail dell'inamovibilità of judges, and especially thanks to the 'official intrusion of politics in the judicial system in the formation of two that will be CSM (one for judges and one for pm), as well as in the composition of the new "Court of discipline" that will just disciplinary functions within the judiciary, as well as in determining when it will be valid on the principle of mandatory prosecution. When the reform is in force and will release all its benefits for citizens , then, yes, it will speed up the process and will empty the prisons full of prisoners awaiting trial .... Definitely.

The executive who lovingly takes care the popular will has fixed the date for a referendum on such failure, the privatization of water and nuclear June 12, 2011: then nothing election-day, or anything merging with the first round of local elections will be held on May 15. Maroni has rightly stated that one of distinguishing between the two elections is a tradition in Italian political history, but did not investigate why, or who has always been that way for the barely concealed intention of the governments duty to boycott the referendums which by definition are always big hassle for those who govern, and that if scheduling for themselves, to schools closed and the height of summer are always very hard to quorum necessary for their validity. The waiver of bundling of administrative and referendum, as well as the risk of jeopardizing them, will cost 300 million € to state coffers. But then that's what the people want: to pay less to count.

Finally, since 77% of Italians ( 72.8% in January Eurispes second) is favor a law that recognizes the legitimacy and value will declared by the patient about the treatments which intends to submit in late-life, the primate of the popular will, and liberals are as attentive to all the different sensitivity, acknowledging the different demands from different sectors of civil society, are preparing to vote on a bill that will make irrelevant statements of fact and the wishes of the patient, whose bodies have in the name of the law the doctor, who always in the name of the law can not ever stay forced nutrition and hydration.
In this business is exciting to see how the will to about three quarters of the Italian people to erga representative also the PD, which in fact does not hinder with conviction and therefore does not hinder the approval of the draft bill Calabrò. The Parliament divine grace shines, and the Vatican thanks. Amen.


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