Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where Can I Get Purple Wrestling Shoes?

Italy 150


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Degeneration X Uncensored

Decalogue, a personal, moral sentiments

stop the flow of harmful information and images
the infotainment themselves for themselves
impose two or three moral rules
love for the next
accept the ideas of others
work for fruits that will sprout tomorrow
never be afraid themselves
then how can we forget

Contest Fha Appraisal

# The incompetence of the hysterical anti-nuclear Pulpits

" Nuclear plants have been shown to 'keep bang', who was inspired by the tragedy that struck Japan in order to create a political controversy is a jackal."
( Chicco Testa currently chairman of the Nuclear Forum Italian, ' March 11, just hours after the earthquake)

" safe nuclear test of nine- If a state acts first we can say is that just the terrible intensity of the phenomenon which hit Japan gives us a new confirmation that the safety of nuclear facilities, the progress made in recent decades have been remarkable .
(Editoriale Oscar Giannino of The Haunting on the March 12 )

" The Italian government's position on nuclear is still what it is, is that you can not change your mind every minute .
( Fabrizio Cicchitto March 12 )

" Nuclear power plants are safe. Those who are against is still an old ideological thinking that is based on false assumptions .
( Umberto Veronesi, President of the Agency for Nuclear Safety March 12 )

" The issue of nuclear safety goes across national borders. There are stations in Slovenia and France, and if there were any disaster strikes there too. Many submissions also I read that the Japanese are not central to the latest generation. In Italy, the latest generation of nuclear power plants. My hope is that you decide on the wave of emotion .
( Gianfranco Fini March 13 )

"nuclear and non I have changed my mind after the tragedy of Japan. The earthquake and Japanese 'was a thousand times greater than that of L'Aquila ".
( Pier Ferdinando Casini - March 13 )

" These central effects on the whole much more 'limited than the rest. Nothing per se 'and' safe. The progress brings with it 'risk margins. If it 's why I fell out of the dams, and then what do we do? We do not build more 'dams? ".
( Pier Ferdinando Casini the March 14 )

" Repubblica speaks of nightmare for a second Chernobyl, the' Done 'mocks But the safety of facilities facts belie them: the death of a worker, were evacuated thousands of people, but not a disaster .
( Franco Battaglia Il Giornale the March 14 )

"The government's line does not change and there is" no underestimation "of the risks bound to the"
( Stefania Prestigiacomo March 15 )

******** ***********

Dal'homepage of Corriere della Sera, March 15 morning

from the homepage of the Corriere della Sera, March 15 evening

The incompetence of all those who have heard the need to minimize what is happening in Fukushima for the sole purpose of protecting the design of the Italian return to nuclear power is already apparent only with the speed with which these "scientists" are disseminated and understood the absolute truth, heedless of a seismic event still course and the possibility of damage or accidents at nuclear power plants in the north east of Japan could be worsening with the passage of hours. Now they are coming regularly disproved by damage to the cooling systems of reactors at the Fukushima central I (but there are also problems with the central Fukushima Onagawa and II) that if you have so far caused "only" hydrogen leaks resulting in explosions and fires is not still 100% exclusive that might lead to partial or total fusion core (or fissile materials and coatings that contain them) and the simultaneous failure of the various levels of containment, resulting in a mass escape of radioactive seriously contaminate the external environment, then the worst case scenario is that in these hours you are trying to prevent in any way, even with unorthodox methods as long as you manage to cool the reactors, such as' use of sea water , but in contact with boric acid, which absorbs neutrons of nuclear fission forever affect the functionality of the reactors.
Meanwhile, in North-East Japan 's alarm radioactivity (that someone had thrown almost immediately ) continues to grow at this time, not only in the 20 km radius around the plant, but in a wider area that comes to lap Tokyo while multinational companies and embassies are urging citizens and employees to leave the Rising Sun, and Lufthansa has suspended flights to the capital of Japan.

So the first time are minimized shamed and humiliated by a situation that is unfortunately far from being recklessly that they feared immediately after one big, long and strong kick on Friday 11, and after tsunami that followed. Ironically, just those who always oppose the 'anti-nuclear hysteria " have to go over them as prey to a kind of hysteria nuclearists , tell me about that as soon as they realized what was happening Japan could awaken dormant consciences of many Italians, rushed to throw water on the fire. And so, following the typical tradition of Italy for which any international event must take a national identity and a utility in the internal political debate, the alleged Japanese nuclear seal has been used to defend the positions of those who argue a little Italian and defensible nuclear project seems very polished and only for reasons already chosen technology - the French EPR, which does not offer adequate guarantees nor under construction nor during operation, as previously stated by the interesting, and at this time in addition to the French produce and we will buy it to him that nobody in the world now intend to use.

The declarations of these gentlemen made of absolute fidelity to the nuclear matter whatever happens in Japan, leaving no room for doubt: no dialogue, no reason, and not questioning the right decisions 'now taken for the return of Italy to the energy of the atom is a matter Large private interests more than a matter of national interest. who had really good heart health, safety and the pockets of citizens, as well as economic development and energy independence of this country, it would at least closer to what is happening and more responsive to the interests of those who are alarmed, and at least prepared to show openings if not the "if" at least "how to" go nuclear. But even this happens, and even with the blinkers and without shame if they say all sorts to justify the rightness of a choice that is ascribed to Italy, but in reality is the result of the will of a few .

Then in the competence of certain hysterical -nuclear in a matter objectively complex and too often grossly simplified and approximate contradistinction to my incompetence, but I'll try to adduce some simple and accurate facts.

First by incompetent I wonder how the scientist Veronesi can be absolutely certain of the safety of nuclear and accuse those who do not agree with this reasoning with un'obsoleta ideological mindset. To me it seems obvious that an accident at a nuclear plant is so rare, but it is equally obvious - as is unfortunately the case for confirming Fukushima - which is potentially much more dangerous, because the scope and the people involved can be very large. This aspect was also ignored by the journalist Paulo Debbio today in Il Giornale, you can even count the deaths caused by various sources of energy production:

Another chimera is on the dangers of nuclear safety and the total of all other energy sources. Dancing disguised as a chimera. Coal: 7,000 deaths per year of which 5,000 in China alone. Natural gas: in 1983 in Mexico 55 people dead, 7,000 injured, 300,000 people evacuated. Oil: Warri in Nigeria in 1998 to 500 deaths, 500 deaths in 1994 in Seoul. One could go even without remembering Vajont the 2000 deaths, that is hydroelectric.

Again escape what is the main feature of a possible catastrophic nuclear or not the circoscrivibilità contamination, a concept that eludes even the pious dramatically Pier Ferdinando Casini, whose head failure of a dam or a nuclear fusion have the same destructive potential in terms of human and environmental disaster.

And then the leader of the UDC, which emphasizes the extraordinary power of the earthquake of 11 March in comparison to the more modest (?) Aquila almost cataclysmic earthquake were the exclusive preserve of distant exotic lands, it should be noted that the Mediterranean and Italy in the course of history have been hit by huge earthquakes and tsunamis (for example, the devastating earthquake of Thera - Santorini today - in 1267 BC , Eastern Mediterranean in 1202, the Val di Noto in 1693, and Messina and Reggio Calabria in 1908). Besides, the geologist
" The Japanese nuclear power plants were built to withstand an earthquake of 8.5 on the Richter scale. Then what happened? E ' came an earthquake of 8.9, and the structures have not stood ". The Italian plants will be built to withstand the shock of approximately 7.1 degrees, but, as claimed by Tozzi, " who assures us that one day there will come a more powerful earthquake?". No, indeed. Because earthquakes are phenomena that can not be foreseen. In addition, the Japanese disaster occurred in the country's most technologically advanced in the world. In Tokyo is rooted in fact a serious risk culture that is the result of a deep understanding of these phenomena. "With what face tolla various Cicchitto we are selling the idea that in Italy, in the event of an earthquake, things might go better in Japan ?

wonder if Minister Prestigiacomo when he says that the government there is no underestimating the risks of the atom that is sure to mean that you have made a better choice when the in 2009 was signed the memorandum of understanding between Enel and France's EDF, which commits us to buy four third-generation advanced reactors like EPR ... And who knows if the minister knows that in terms of safety EPR technology is proving to be rather inefficient . Do you know whether or not this winter that many of the 58 reactors operating in France have had problems and failures ? They know the president and Prestigiacomo Fini that the central EPR under construction to Flamanville (France) and Olkiluoto (Finland) have seen their costs rise when double and are showing at this stage to have defects the much-vaunted modern security systems , relating also to ' automatic switch that stops the fission when creating dangerous situations that it is the great innovation that would make these plants safer than others? Fini And you know that the latest generation as he calls it, really sure that besides efficient from the standpoint of waste disposal and so on which you could really think, is the fourth generation , whose prototypes, however, will not be available until at least twenty years? And our politicians who say that we were the only which France can sbolognare its technology, which has proved economically disadvantageous also for the rich United Arab with just over a year ago for their ambitious nuclear program rather than focus on providing Areva have opted for a cheaper offer South Korea?

Then let us say, the hysterical-nuclear lacks the dose of intellectual honesty to recognize that we can no longer argue that nuclear energy is the cheapest: it should know that the cost of that energy must be identified not only with the costs of building (let alone in Finland uncontrollable by us) and the operation of power plants and with the price to pay for the purchase of raw materials (primarily uranium and plutonium). The cost of nuclear power must be given also by the fact negative externalities difficult to estimate dates from risk of an accident to the environment and human health , and especially by economic and environmental costs for the storage of radioactive waste , cost is impossible to calculate precisely because it takes 30,000 years confinement so that the waste will become inactive and therefore harmless. Instead the MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a 2009 study calculated the actual costs for nuclear installations of new construction, and found that the cost of nuclear kWh is higher than that of gas and coal , primarily because of huge investments for the construction of power plants, but also for the time delay of its implementation, and higher borrowing costs (which also tend to make investments in nuclear power plants in times of low interest rates ).

However, even limited to the cost of construction for the installation of four power plants in Italy will account for expenditure oscillating between 20 and 30 billion euro (the range is wide because of the already mentioned uncertainties encountered in the construction of the central EPR), that is between 5 and 8 billion euro in Central Europe. As at Olkiluoto and Flamanville costs have doubled over time is also saying that the expected date of 2020 for commissioning of the first plant in Italy is a date unrealistic, given that no stone will be laid before the first at least three years and since for each plant will take at least a decade of work. It makes sense to spend all this money to them according between 15-20 years?
For goodness sake it is true that the solution of the energy issue should not be based only on the exploitation of renewable energy, it passes through a reasonable and balanced mix of various types of energy sources available, but there are to say that a mix without nuclear energy is not is at least conceivable, even with nuclear because it is not certain that you will give the quick response that Europe intends to take on cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, when in Italy there are no reactors still in operation. When
maybe one day there will be, they should contribute 25% of domestic energy demand, and should also contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. On this last point, however, the conditional is a must, because to be an accurate measure of the reduction of emissions should know the exact dell'elettronucleare energy balance, ie the difference between the energy produced and total energy expenditure throughout the nuclear cycle, from extraction of uranium and plutonium to fission. Considering that Italy would have to purchase and import these raw materials from abroad, and also considering that energy costs more in Italy than elsewhere, one easily understands that nuclear power say that we should reduce our energy bill could cost more to what it costs the electricity and heat that we produce today through the sources and renewable fuels.
Would not it be smarter to focus on cheaper and more innovative projects based on the characteristics and potential of the Italian territory ? For example, the Marsili Project, the first geothermal power plant offshore that could produce energy equivalent to that produced by a medium-sized nuclear power plant using the heat generated by Marsili, the largest active volcano in Europe, located in the Tyrrhenian Sea at 3500 feet a depth of 150 km from the coast of Calabria and Sicily.

About Italian peculiarities, it comes from ask not only where the plants will be built and where the radioactive waste being stored , since no region currently has the availability, even if most times that waste should not become yet another affront to the area and yet another deal for unscrupulous businessmen and ecomafie , in a country where you do not already know how to treat municipal waste , where the traffic industrial waste is a huge source of income for criminal organizations and where the "small" business of 'Wind and solar are not counted fraud and speculation of various cliques.
And then our big business that will be awarded the contracts would be succulent at the completion of such advanced systems? The recent shameful example of Acerra incinerator built by Impregilo already talk alone. Unfortunately these days in Italy where a contract is a crime and a rip-off: in this sense, the mega-contracts in the nuclear scare.

From incompetent I bet that given the extent of the interests at stake (the major energy companies as well as the private developers and their political friends) this government will do everything to continue the its nuclear project, with firm and blind determination. And the facts at least for the moment do not seem to me wrong: for example the news today is that the government intends to cancel the obligation to indicate where it intends to carry out the sites of nuclear power plants, thus preventing the objections of the local authorities concerned. Meanwhile, the safer it will be implemented traditional boycott of the popular referendum, this time on nuclear energy, such failure and privatization of water, along with administrative but not scheduling the June 12, so as to make it more difficult to achieve a quorum. Who knows but that a possible resurgence of anti-nuclear can not bring to the polls many Italians, and who knows a quorum with the contagion effect hypothesis becomes more realistic for the other referendum questions, including legitimate impediment. On 12 June could be a very intriguing day for democracy and the future of this country, and a rare chance to hear our voice to that kind of incompetent. Just want it.

Read the Professor. Angelo Baracca " Nuclear power: a choice of expensive, unnecessary and dangerous "

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Last spring a minister of this government to blame for an apartment overlooking the Colosseum was found to be licked based on a scandal of corruption, procurement and recycling, and soon was forced to resign because his historic words, it could not "suspect lived in a house paid for in part by others" (to be precise with cashier's checks from the account of the crack dell'affarista Diego Anemone ). That minister was not the first time he was forced to resign from the leadership of one of the most important ministries of a Berlusconi government between 2001 and 2002 in a few months before he managed not ashamed of Italy with his wisdom and savoir-faire, the Security infamous G8 summit in Genoa, then finished at the center of controversy for removed the basis for a labor law soon after killed by the Red Brigade, described the murder pain in the ass and then resigned. To complete the picture a port and an airport of his native land as well as his feud election, although of doubtful value to the community and for that territory, have been developed in conjunction his political career, raising doubts the selflessness and moral integrity with which the character faces his commitment to serving the state.
Now, in a normal country ruled by leaders and normally, if this ex-minister just ten months after his forced exile returns doing well on the political scene some fanfare, putting the foot shamelessly and threatening to form an autonomous group within his party, accusing him of never been the party of the people , the leader of that party should him kindly note that is not the case, that his return to politics is still inappropriate, premature and embarrassing, that certainly can not come to lecture him on what and how to do politics to serve the people.
Unfortunately, the reality is that leader that he too has its troubles, and he seems very well accustomed to expressions of modesty, and then in front of the prodigal son is disarmed, and it is not in a position to detect any inconsistencies "ethical" and the hypocrisy of preaching that comes from that pulpit. On the other hand to think of it that of "pulpits cross" with the president-owner seems to be one of the fundamental mechanisms, and the predominant determinants of that party.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Royce Chocolate Manila

# # Tell me and I'll tell you who it is ...

guess the mayor is subject to the following descriptions of characters in one way or another close to him (the solution is not given, but simply open one of the links text to get there).

the staff of the secretariat of this mayor until Friday 11 March was hired to direct call with an executive role - with a salary of € 62,000 gross per annum (cost of 87,000 to the coffers of that common) - a member of the PDL of 37 years, apparently not satisfied with the office of Mayor Pignataro Maggiore, a town of Caserta . Friday, however, the field has been suspended from the mayor at the mayor of our staff mysterious, after (only after) being arrested for collusion with the Mafia : in fact, in exercising its role as first citizen of Pignataro Major would supported the interests of some Camorra clan in exchange for electoral support . The order for custody warrants issued by the investigating magistrate is to notice that the mayor-consultant-to-another-mayor has for years been "enslaved to 'desire' of the local Camorra clan, which had become a criminal player agguerritissimo heinous crimes of the danger of which resists the action courts and through which he could have won [...] repeated electoral contests. "

(advisor to the Mayor Mayor)

Our mayor in the election campaign that saw him winning in 2008 and then enlisted the support and professionalism of a parish priest, who in that electoral competition had been chosen as one of nine guarantors for family policies and neighborhoods in the team aspiring mayor. That pastor's close supporter and collaborator in June 2008 he was arrested, accused of committing sexual violence seven children and forced prostitution, allegations that March 3 was sentenced to 15 years and 4 months imprisonment. The story of the pedophile priest is known to the news for the usual outrageous silence of the Vatican (which also spoke El Pais), as well as an equally outrageous campaign in defense of the monster in a cassock by the de newspaper, but a very significant is the reluctance of Mayor friend. In June 2009, the city attorney filed a statement signed by the mayor in which that court did not wish to be plaintiffs in the trial against the priest, and was opposed to him to do it for him a radical exponent, which intended to do so by using the little-used instrument of the people. What, however, that the radicals still managed to do, despite the obstructionism of the mayor , thus guaranteeing a fundamental support for the injured parties has managed to get to the municipality with the final ruling that compensation money will be spent in prevention and assistance for victims of sexual violence.

(the pedophile priest, a guarantor for family policies during the election campaign of our mayor)

FO In January, a city councilman same area of \u200b\u200bthe policy of the mayor without a face , is investigated for the crimes of " corruption, money laundering, re-use the result of proceeds of crime and the supply of drugs 'or cocaine during frequent partying with prostitutes. In later joined other details of the charges against him: the hyperactive director have speculated on infected blood , That would be appropriate for huge quantities of money to compensation for medical malpractice, and is also accused of other offenses (basically money gone ) that were made in his capacity as delegate of the mayor at the Expo in Shanghai 2010. Yes, because the 45 year old adviser, a former police officer, insurance and real estate broker, although it reached the town in 2008 with no past political experience and with just 1374 votes (even though it was the only one of his party to have enjoyed Voting with a spot testimonial ), once he got from our elected mayor delegation to the decor and the aforementioned Expo Shanghai delegation , perhaps because he had been a driver of the mayor's election campaign, just like the pedophile priest above, or perhaps because-sponsored this testimonial. The fact is that as a result of the heavy charges brought by prosecutors to the municipal council, the mayor did not contribute substantially, in fact, has repeatedly denied the evidence and with a certain chutzpah has declassified the advisor to the allegations made personal on which he has nothing to say, while FOR, despite the many accusations also particularly infamous crime, has not resigned, but was only self- suspended from duties after several days beginning of the scandal, before a reshuffle came erase the delegations. However, to date remains councilor.

(The city councilor accused of all sorts of crime: the delegation had the decorum )

the face of a pedophile priest (rightly guarantor for family policies from Mayor mysterious), an ally of the Camorra (rightly consultant) and a thug who speculates on infected blood (which is rightly been given a proxy to decoration), tenderness is almost the story of a provincial council of the PDL besides pupil and companion party of the first hour of our mysterious mayor, who in July has been embroiled in yet scandal based trans and cocaine, he who in his career as a local administrator had made war on the pushers, and viados to a its flagship , especially in light of his deep religiosity. Recently, during his transition to the mixed group - once suspended from PDL she could not think of resigning from his public office - held a press conference in which he told his confused truth little logic (is the victim of a conspiracy, but what would be against a "fish small "like him?) in contradiction with his own earlier version ( had said in September that he was beaten by trans, now says that the police were beating him), and somewhat strident with other testimonies. But then he had already understood that the provincial council not shine for some consistency .
(The Provincial Council has little coherence)

Well, now you guess the mayor is, even if you could go with other evidence, for example relating to friends and party colleagues of dubious morality - sometimes former extremist in his time involved in violent news items - placed in various key positions in some municipalities, however, invaded by direct recruitment to call their own since our mysterious person was elected mayor ...
Come on, now you've figured out who it is!

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corner of unconventional love

not live in me
perhaps not believe in Jesus
if here
harpy Hell and fire rockets - verdena

because I can not stand to stay at home to rot, even if the weather is bad, in the long Sunday afternoons free from work, I go out in the street and I start walking. walking helps to think. so I realize that one of our misfortunes is to be a proud people home, armchair - whose greatest satisfaction is to rest after lunch Sunday on the same couch where his grandfather s'assopiva - blocked by the most common weather, water and wind, as if they were falling from the flaming swords sky. Walk out of the house but I can not escape the urbe scattered and dispersed, or at least the face of it that I attend, now fought inch by inch, perhaps in search of modern huts of the Child Jesus, a revelation that can be hidden only in the suburb degraded but still, on a purely hypothetical, throbbing with life. the truth is that if it is true that good writing springs from a pure state of prolonged illness, commonplace recently taken over by rapper-singer-songwriters who as a teenager marked hard soccer tactics but not for their insufferable arrogance, should be near the time of my masterpiece. but a masterpiece comes out after several years - while I whip my alleged talent - and then a masterpiece, strictly speaking of etymology, is an artifact from a series of technical and aesthetic that I do not know, shared by a group of artisans which I do not feel part of it. however, the fact is that as time passes inexorably, and brothers and cousins \u200b\u200band mothers and sons re-discovered writing as a way to impose their mark in human duel - which now seems to be synonymous with twitter -, gain awareness that past I have written something that is true, perhaps worthy of publication in the types of issues Ripostes, probably after careful editing and night work. this is a stupid and vain thoughts, I know, but it will be that, at the corner of the house Quintiliani, Madonna of the ceramic smiles at me while waving a plastic bag inflates and indifferent to a branch.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Treatment For Seb Derm

# The primacy of the will of the people

Berlusconi often says he the consent of the Italian people, and therefore must be able to govern until the natural end of its mandate, no matter what happens, scandal or no scandal, with majorities more or less solid and therefore Or any suggestion that his government would not be a subversion of the popular will of which he is the first expression. The will of the people then is central to the claims of legitimacy to govern the premier, and therefore can not be the beacon of the government.

For example, sensing the growing discomfort of some of the female electorate against the humiliating image of the woman who escapes from the premier private affairs being investigated by the Milan prosecutors, the government has seen fit to interpret that discontent by approving the bill on shares rose on the boards of listed companies or semi-public, according to which measure starting from 2015 the board of directors should be composed of 30% of women . In short, the goal is to impose by law gender equality, even a smaller minority gender, since it requires a share of third, as if more would be asking too much. But then the shares rose to be exactly what they were thinking when women took to the streets to reclaim their dignity.

are very well known to the Italian justice dysfunction, characterized by a proverbial slowness record in the standards which are often cumbersome (average for a civil ruling of first instance, it takes more than 1000 days ), which makes our system of justice one of the most inefficient in the world. For example, the Doing Business Report 2011 World Bank Square in Italy on 183 157esimo place in the ranking of countries according to the legal certainty and respect for contracts, and a performance so bad its affecting the sidereal time for the resolution of civil disputes , which then represent the additional burden to the State inefficiencies and burdens on citizens and on the free initiative of homegrown small businesses, and which have obvious negative impacts on the most foreign investment heavily discouraged to flow in Italy. Consequently, the government of Prime Minister who embodies the will of the people as Jesus embodied the Father has given the green light to reform era of justice, which will benefit all citizens. When it enters into force - in a long time, if ever - the Italian justice finally will be fairer and more efficient, not so much through shared innovations (separation careers and civil liability of judges), but surely thanks to innovations such as the irrevocably acquittals in the first degree or fail dell'inamovibilità of judges, and especially thanks to the 'official intrusion of politics in the judicial system in the formation of two that will be CSM (one for judges and one for pm), as well as in the composition of the new "Court of discipline" that will just disciplinary functions within the judiciary, as well as in determining when it will be valid on the principle of mandatory prosecution. When the reform is in force and will release all its benefits for citizens , then, yes, it will speed up the process and will empty the prisons full of prisoners awaiting trial .... Definitely.

The executive who lovingly takes care the popular will has fixed the date for a referendum on such failure, the privatization of water and nuclear June 12, 2011: then nothing election-day, or anything merging with the first round of local elections will be held on May 15. Maroni has rightly stated that one of distinguishing between the two elections is a tradition in Italian political history, but did not investigate why, or who has always been that way for the barely concealed intention of the governments duty to boycott the referendums which by definition are always big hassle for those who govern, and that if scheduling for themselves, to schools closed and the height of summer are always very hard to quorum necessary for their validity. The waiver of bundling of administrative and referendum, as well as the risk of jeopardizing them, will cost 300 million € to state coffers. But then that's what the people want: to pay less to count.

Finally, since 77% of Italians ( 72.8% in January Eurispes second) is favor a law that recognizes the legitimacy and value will declared by the patient about the treatments which intends to submit in late-life, the primate of the popular will, and liberals are as attentive to all the different sensitivity, acknowledging the different demands from different sectors of civil society, are preparing to vote on a bill that will make irrelevant statements of fact and the wishes of the patient, whose bodies have in the name of the law the doctor, who always in the name of the law can not ever stay forced nutrition and hydration.
In this business is exciting to see how the will to about three quarters of the Italian people to erga representative also the PD, which in fact does not hinder with conviction and therefore does not hinder the approval of the draft bill Calabrò. The Parliament divine grace shines, and the Vatican thanks. Amen.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Is Gc Mi Paste Plus Used For?

MEMENTO Bloggers brave

There is much discussion of the crucial role that the Internet is having - through the blogosphere, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube as well - in spreading the news and in the clot the resentment of the people who are giving birth to revolutions and upheavals that are shaking the North Africa and the Middle East. On the one hand there are those who consider the contribution of the network limited to an outlet perfectly capable of giving body to the voices "against", but that still fails to aggregate consensus around the proposed construction (such as post-and post-Mubarak Ben Ali WOULD BE showing), on the other there are those who points out how the internet and social media in particular, have the undeniable merit of having brought about an public policy dialogue, unthinkable a few years ago in countries ruled by illiberal regimes. Then there are those who highlight the valuable role who are having channels of rapid diffusion of information and images as twitter and youtube in the world to know what is happening in this more complex scenario that has been created in Libya.
However it is clear that to have a clear idea and a measure of how much of the "merit" of the upheaval Maghreb is ascribed to the spread of the Internet at those young people need to wait a long time, in order to have a clearer picture of the scenarios in which these political and social protest movements have brought.
Whatever the revolutions of jasmine will remain historically linked to some stories born on the web, such as that of the thirty Amamou Slim, one of the most popular online activists in Tunisia, in January passed quickly from the bench in a cell Minister's chair for youth policy, or that of his contemporary Wael Ghoneim, online activity (but also manager of Google Middle East) that opening up the facebook page We are all Khaled Said - in memory of a 28 year old died after being brutally beaten by Egyptian police last June 6 in unclear circumstances - and always with coordinating the organization of the social network Some of the demonstrations that marked the Egyptian Revolution, is soon promoted to a leading role in the dissemination via the Internet of resentment of the Egyptian people against the regime. So after the event which was held in Cairo on January 25 not been heard of him : reappeared only after twelve days, which said to have spent blindfolded in an isolation cell. The February 8 made his grand entrance in a square packed Tahir half a million people, but if it has become one of the faces of the Egyptian revolution is mainly due to moving released live television interview a few days after his release, and ends with tears for the many dead comrades in the fighting of those frantic days. It is believed that these frames were among the broadsides decisive that sank the already shaky regime of Mubarak. However, on February 18 to Wael was not allowed to go on stage set in Tahrir Square for the celebrations for the fall of Mubarak: away to maintain order prepared by the Islamic theologian Al-Youssef Qardaoui. And probably, unfortunately, this last episode happened to Wael is significant for what happens in Egypt.

(moving the last seconds of the historic interview with Wael Ghoneim)

For the domino effect they are having riots in the Maghreb There are many others around the world telling us stories of courage and civic activist network, often in the name of democracy and human and civil rights claims end up annoying the power to the point of paying the consequences. Physical consequences. Offline consequences. The site closely monitors the situation of bloggers threatened or arrested (or worse) all over the world: its database currently has 272 names . The (recent) history of some of these brave bloggers can help to understand that pulls air for the freedom of the web and people in those countries.

Asma Al Ghoul is a Palestinian journalist for 28 years who lives in Gaza City. On his blog pursues his battle not just against Israel but rather against the evils of the internal reality Palestinian corruption that is rampant in government and Fatah, the Islamic radicalism of Hamas hiding behind the excuse anti-Israeli culture and fundamentalist religious taboos that degrade women. And all at a price of constant death threats that plague. Obviously it is deployed in support of Egyptian bloggers and the rebels, for which together with other on January 31 took to the streets. That has earned him serious problems with the Palestinian police (Mubarak had not yet fallen, so it could be considered improper expressions in Palestine against the great and near) was kept in barracks for seven hours, season's beatings, since between Asthma is the other things since 2006 has decided not to bring more hijab (Islamic veil).
Luckily Asthma in Gaza is not only and coagulating around her is a young generation of activists online , who knows that eventually fails to make the Palestinian people regain the strength and unity 'intent that the clamp and the Israeli internal feud between Fatah and Hamas have slowly dried up.

In the West Bank in early November 2010, a 26 year old student who signed himself as Waleed Al-Husseini was arrested in an internet cafe by Palestinian security forces after at least three months of investigation: is accused of spreading atheism and insulting not only Islam but all three monotheistic religions. His blog (Proud-To: Proud to be Atheist ) is still online , and wrote the last post is summed up the sum total of beliefs that led him to abandon the Muslim religion in the name of a healthier, humane and rational atheism. Unfortunately for those content Waleed praising a freer life, normal and happy without religion (at least according to him) - also expressed content with some creativity, as with a paraphrase of some verses of the Koran, or a sequence of vignettes on the facebook page -evidently have had too much resonance. For his release was launched a campaign on facebook and online petition.

Syria's Bashar al-Assad is currently regarded as one of the countries enemies of the Internet: the Syrian authorities imposed the blockade on hundreds of sites, and only a few weeks ago have unlocked the ' access to sites such as Facebook, YouTube and even Wikipedia. Above all, unfortunately, there is talk of continuing arrests of hundreds of bloggers and activists of the network. Among these activists persecuted there is also a high school nineteen Tal al-Mallouh , in which blog seemed content to the development of democracy in his country and for the Palestinian cause. E 'was arrested in December 2009, and the parents did not know anything about her until last September, when it was learned that because of what he wrote on his site (especially because it seems an open letter to U.S. President Obama ) had been indicted for " intelligence with the United States", ie pro-American espionage. To this indictment in mid-February Tal was sentenced to five years in prison. Even if a story like that in Italy did not find much space the first arrest and conviction of the high school hours have given rise to protests in half the world ( here site in its support), the indignant demands immediate release of the Syrian government by organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Reporters Sans Frontiers, as well as the recent official protest from the Department of State.

If Syria bloggers are doing this lily in Iran even joking: after instances of Shiva Nazar Ahari sentenced to 64 lashes and six years in prison, Hossein Derakhshan sentenced to 19 ½ years in prison for "anti-Islamic propaganda, blasphemy and conspiracy with governments hostile, "and after the death in custody of journalist and blogger Omid Reza Mir Sayaf occurred back in March 18, 2009, now at the heart of cyber-activism is the case of Iran Hossein Ronago , blogger and activist human rights, who was arrested in November 2009, and for over a year in solitary confinement wing of security Evin prison, where he is serving a long sentence of 15 years. Now it seems that Hossein is ill, and has severe kidney problems, and there are fears for his life since the very harsh treatment in prison that is reserved. In its support has been a campaign through a site (in Arabic) and a facebook page .

(Hossein Ronago)

A few weeks before the early release of blogger Azerbaijani Emin Milli Hajizade and Adnan, who had been mobilized for various international organizations and for whose liberation had publicly appealed to the authorities in Baku and the President of the United States Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Secretary of State, the Azerbaijan continues to be a very dangerous place for activists online. Last month, in the middle of riots in Tunisia and Egypt, Savalan Jabbar, a young member (20 years) of the Popular Front Azerbaijan (Apfp) was arrested and sentenced to two months in jail awaiting trial for charges of drug that humanitarian organizations consider specious, since the real reason why Jabbar faces up to three years in prison would be to you posted on Facebook an appeal to hold the "day of anger" in Azerbaijan, along the lines of the protests in North Africa and the Middle East. A few days later another boy dell'Apfp, Elcin Hasanov was summoned by the police, who ordered him to remove a message that he posted on his Facebook page attracted and with whom young people mobilized against Azerbaijanis arrest of Jabbar. Elcin message that is not able to remove. But in his country continues to be dangerous not only to have a blog and write freely, but only update their status on Facebook.

(Jabbar Savalan)

Yoani Sanchez opened in 2007 Generacion Y, the independent blog Cuban most famous and influential, and that gave great fame: because it has won several journalism awards Europeans and Americans, but never withdrew as the government to prevent it from leaving the country, and his articles and posts are translated into 18 languages, and the Time in 2008, has included among the 100 most influential people in the world. For content
strongly critical of the government of Raul Castro access Generacion Y is often subjected to the blocking of the complaint, and Sanchez was often persecuted by official Cuban media repression. In November 2009, during a demonstration against the violence, along with other activists of the network is arrested and beaten by "emissaries" of the Cuban authorities. However it must be said that unlike the other bloggers mentioned in this post, the Cuban journalist enjoys the attention of media around the world, which is not little.
few days ago, Sanchez has warned about a bill that is working very repressive government in Havana and through strict regulations intended to limit access to the internet and the free information it provides. In this regard Yoani Sanchez wonders whether it is high time that the UN should strive to define free access to the Internet as a fundamental human right (possibility, however, was also theorized to be the interesting a previous post).

the wake of riots in the south of the Mediterranean, have taken force many Chinese cyber-activists, so that on February 19 from Beijing President China's Hu Jintao felt the need to reiterate the need to monitor more closely the Internet and guide public opinion. What a coincidence the day after they were blocked all sites that brought about a revolution of jasmine in China, and China on Twitter, search engines, and personal pages on social networks has been banned the very word "jasmine ".
Just take a ride on the site of ' Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy Hong Kong to have an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of bloggers and activists who were arrested by police for incititato to emulate the Chinese people Arabs who have turned against their own regimes. But this certainly does not mean that China is approaching the time for a popular uprising that spodesterà the Beijing regime, far from it. The great mountain of bloggers and online appeals to China in the real world has given birth to only small mice i have convened meetings attended by a few militants and were rather disappointing , as can be seen through - a online community journalism that is one of the most important alternative sources of news in China - which has managed to filter through the censor a video that demonstrates the small event that was held last February 20 in Beijing.

Finally a case beyond a bit 'by others mentioned here, but it deserves a mention because it makes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe type (and size) of the problems of free spirits network for a long time will have to face around the world, especially in certain countries.
Chiranuch Premchaiporn (Jiew for friends) is a Thai webmaster: several months ago on the forum of the portal that she manages and co-founded, (prachatai: free people), have appeared in a dozen comments against the Thai royal family. Despite Jiew it was prudent and he promptly removed the comments, She also came very quickly by local authorities strict orders to remove them, which was followed by the arrest in December 2010. Jiew hours faces up to 50 years in prison , given the extreme severity of the laws that punish the crimes of treason in this country. If it is a fact that most of the Thai media is owned by the military or the State, and then it is a fact that Thailand is a country where press freedom can not be said to be guaranteed - the case Premchaiporn is closely followed by the blogosphere (in defense of the girl you created the blog FreeJiew ) because it is a borderline case because the defendant is not persecuted for something that was written by her, but even for something written by others but for which you are held responsible.

An extreme case but it does not fall outside the core issue of freedom of expression must be guaranteed to anyone who expresses (or can express) online. The list of also reported cases in Europe, so it is clear that, given the nature of the web, the arrest or the issuance of a blogger anywhere in the world represents a victory or a defeat not only for the blogosphere, not only for the internet, but for all people who care about the human and civil rights of all men.

on the skin of Jiew and many other bloggers so brave to play a game that concerns us all. Let us remember them.

Craigs List /free/computer Desk


that credibility can never be a generation whose sentimental education
is summarized in the song " vultures" of 883?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hamilton Beach Microwave Hb-

VIDEOSTORE Snapshots of Libya and Italy last night to Annozero

In this important report from Libya journalist Annozero Corrado Formigli follows a group of rebels on their way to Brega, Libyan city that hosts a major oil terminal now in rebel hands, and thus objective of the bombing of Qaddafi's militiamen. The oil is clearly a fundamental geo-strategic asset in the fight between the rebels and the regime. The movie but is especially valuable because it shows what the real climate (guerrilla if not civil war) that you breathe in these hours in Libyan territory, divided between rebel-held areas and areas controlled by mercenaries under the Rais. Also following the story, as well as noting the fervor and conviction of young Libyans in trying to overthrow a regime that targets only answer them with bombs, rocket launchers and anti-aircraft missiles, one can not but feel that as unfortunately is rather Specifically, the risk of a drift radical Islamic likely resulting from the disintegration of the next forty years of the Gaddafi regime.

(if your you do not look for at least 7 minutes to watch the second half of the video)

TgZero ago but a quick examination of the issues currently of more concern that the system has to face Italy, which youth unemployment, public debt (which increased to EUR 200 billion, or 12%, with half-term of the Berlusconi government), inflation and the fall in consumption and savings. But the Parliament, according as detected by Openpolis , deals with something quite different: in the ranking of topics dealt with Deputies and Senate in the first place include the processes penalties, while public debt is 512esimo place and youth work to 594esimo . To be clear, the criminal laws dealing 60% of parliamentary business.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Cervix Soft Or Hard Before Menstruation

VIDEOSTORE Butti forebodings about the future of Rai

Sen. PDL Alessio Butti, a member of the Supervisory Committee Rai, has the thankless task of being the speaker of that ' note address on pluralism Rai that already has sparked much controversy. In the previous draft version of the much coveted by the PDL, presented a month and a half ago, had exposed Butti the famous proposal block a week for each topic on a talk-show, so that if for example on Monday would address the Vespa Rubygate others to do so could have been Floris but not the next day but the following Tuesday . The new wording of the measure yesterday that Butterfield has developed and presented specifically designed to correct the pitch after the controversy DISCOUNT rained from all sides and after the incredulous question marks that the proposal has received on how it intends to ensure freedom and pluralism of 'information Rai. The problem however is that to go beyond the one-week study than those of the PDL have devised a system even more surreal: explaining the draft, the senator said Butti with an explicit reference and directed that the wave always go on Tuesdays and Thursdays in primetime in his view constitutes an annuity in favor of some wires (Floris and Santoro, if you need to specify ..). Thus, according to Butterfield and the philosophy of the address, as report Republic, to avoid the occurrence " a clear dominance by some media workers than other ", Rai should " experiment with the opening of other information spaces assigned to other conductors, to be placed on the same days at the same time on same networks and with the same existing resources according to a balanced alternating weekly . "In essence be born talk-show a number plate, so as he described the MP Fli Flavia Perina. Apart from the total and ill-concealed bad faith of those who explicitly refers to Santoro and Floris forgetting the equally biased and Minzolini Vespa - the latter a very serious case of bias and violation of pluralism as it leads a talk show but not a news show, one of the flagship network - can not but raise doubts atrocious the many absurdities inherent in such an outlandish idea: for example, who will license the "political" to the various journalists-conductors? That who will decide who is right and who's left? And on what basis ? And if a journalist is the third largest those who came to oppose the next week? And who will draw the border with which they will determine which programs will be subject to such rules and what not?
Assuming that by chance you find the answers to these questions, it is clear that if such a rule was never approved and came into force in our public service broadcaster, we would be faced with a unique case in the world. A real joke that would betray the only child "revenge" against the part of berluscones public service on which does not yet were able to put their hands. Those programs as their adverse effects. So obviously biased - yes, because there is little to say about the fact that they are partisan. Both factions that make you assume the role of the opposition that the opposition does not. The conductors which are clearly of the left, or simply antiberlusconiani post-communist until death. Yes partisan. But clearly, and without pretending to be the institutional voice, tank, equidistant and correct information of the public service. I'm not sure Annozero, Report and Ballarò who betray the viewers, whose money would be allocated to the fee according to some an excuse for a level playing field surgical is to betray them before all Tg1 by amplifying the trend of almost all the national news , and as documented Agcom the same, so that evoked a level playing field in the last two and a half years did not hardly ever met. And not just . But this is not relevant , and the long-awaited act of pluralism will not affect in any way address the mechanisms so well oiled machine minzoliniana.
The act instead in any way and must absolutely rule the iron rule obtuse fifty-fifty when we talk about politics and not just opinions occur, a rule that is supposed to represent and guarantee all the Italians who are charged fee, but that does not really reflect the obtuse stubbornness with which the party is the step in making arrabbatta glad his master - which in this period obviously some rubbish in primetime just do not go down - and especially that of the subdivision would produce the heaviest history of Rai, who also has lived in several fierce subdivisions or subdivision of the listings. She had never come about.
Among other things, whether the standard talk show run alternating came into force in Rai, in assigning spaces to run equally among political forces, priority status as a discriminating policy guidance of conductor to his skill, ability , experience. And in doing so, thus organizing the schedules, it would eventually sink quickly some of the most successful programs (listening and thus advertising revenue) Rai, contributing to that process of destruction of the Viale Mazzini already in place for some time. Yeah, because in the end the remote have it still in the hands of viewers, who prefer a more genuinely subversive quality to a fair mediocrity or a bias imposed by law, for example ..... I wonder how many plays would Annozero Santoro led by a Thursday and a Comparison Annozero conducted by another on Thursday.
And beyond that the remote control, always Italians have a more mouse to find out, indeed, to find a quality of information up to its expectations. The act of pluralism weblog address on PDL would then only to direct users elsewhere, and Rai to the ultimate failure, following a subdivision of the voices and opinions whose spirit is absolutely opposed to that enjoyed in the flash of genuine common sense flashed like a bolt from the blue in the final evening of Sanremo, thanks to the sudden outburst of Luca Bizzarri, perhaps he and his colleague of the victim's heavy atmosphere that hangs on public television, and masked by a politically correct and obtusely surgically bipartisan, so as to become suspicious (in clips from minute 01:10).

Purpose Of A Panty Girdle

poem of seven and one quarter on Naples

it takes way to enclose the talent
that would otherwise die slowly
and did not say only neruda
pass the handset to a deaf
is a way to Liabilities
an answer you do not know where he is
the truth is glimpsed only in the wake
blinds, deceives, misleads
because it is created by the imagination
but collects only way

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Plasma Ball Broken Globe

MUSICLIBRARY The pop of the Egyptian Revolution

Pop music is having an important role in disseminating the sentiments and ideals that are enlivening the riots of the Maghreb: civil society as the rest of those countries, even the music world is in turmoil, and every day have a large production inspired by the revolutions in the course is enriched with new pieces of all kinds (with a prevalence of rap and hip hop), as well as bands emerging artists established. To realize just take a trip on youtube, or on the platform - music for social change. And it is just out " Meesh Ba'eed Khalas Mixtape Vol.1", a compilation that is distributed free of charge and contains tracks by hip hop "rebels" from Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt.
However, this phenomenon is reaching dimensions remarkable especially in relation to the days of Tahrir Square, which quickly led to the dismissal of Mubarak: Egyptian Revolution on the fact there are already dozens of songs and hymns.
Clearly it is at least legitimate to ask if they have bands and singers wrote their "songs of the revolution" for love of country and desire to participate or rather only to ride the wave and make some money on it. However, the effectiveness should be highlighted and the feeling of the texts of at least some of the most significant songs (sung in English or whose translation is available online), which are proposed to a small selection.

# Jan25 Egypt - born through the cooperation of the Arab American rapper Omar Offendum, The Narcicyst, Freeway, Ayah, Amir Sulaiman, is one of the songs currently in vogue.

Time to push, I is not falling and we now
Time to fight back, "Because we are all we have now
Do you hear?
Calling out for back up
Try to keep a look out for better days

Rebel - Arabian Knightz (gruppo rap de Il Cairo) featuring Lauryn Hill

Not Your Prisoner - Arabian Knightz featuring Shadia Mansour (cantante palestinese)

Back Down Mubarak! - Master Mimz ( rapper londinese di origine marocchina)

Everybody stomp your feet like
Tired Of Being chewed meat
Call it revolution jasmin
Lost world we are the solution
This shit do not smell like a flower
It's the rise of people power
[ ...]

The faster you compose a song in honor of the Egyptian people had been Wyclef Jean with Freedom (Song For Egypt).

And this is not the Exodus
Tell Pharaoh That Is not leaving the people
We Is not Leaving
This is more like a
This is the genesis beginning of freedom

From Berlin comes Long Live Egypt - TA7YA MASR of Scarabeuz and OMIM.

Our human rights are all that we want:
social justice and food to eat

We will not be more docile and do not hide what we think most

Egypt Fight Song - Behead The King featuring Bird and The Truth

Finally Sout Al Horeya (the sound of freedom) of Hany Adel , Amir Eid Sheriff Mostafa Hawary and, more specifically the song "pop" from among those selected here, and that in just two weeks after it is loaded on youtube has totaled more than a million views.

Our weapons were our dreams
and tomorrow, and 'clear in front of us and
wait a long time since trying to find our place without in any way the

my country gets the voice of freedom '