Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vintage Steam Radiators

# Egocentrism of neo-libertine

It's strange to see Giuliano Ferrara lash out against neo-moralists or " against those who want to replace the real moral and sanctimonious moralism false " bringing on a "crusade Puritan moralistic worthy" of the English Inquisition ".. he who brought forward the elections in 2008, for the truth in almost solitary battle for a universal moratorium on abortion (which defines as murder, and "supreme scandal of our time") with a slogan, these are worthy of the English Inquisition, such as "I hate Emma Bonino " ... there he is ... the great liberal. At that time a well founded micropartito that failed miserably the test of vote (They get just a 0.3% despite all the mayhem it), perhaps because, with the exception of some bigot blinded by some alleged ethical dogma to be imposed on the universe the world, in the Western world a woman's right to be able to consider the possibility of abortion is now taken for granted.

He instead a little 'pain observe the incredible developments de "Il Giornale", in the drafting of which apparently roam the desperate who have completely lost the jug: but the righteous to give dignity to those who manifest not just women but the whole country and its institutions, to prove what they are, their moral-so-uber alles, impersonating scoop a picture of the neo-moralist Vendola naked in a nude beach 32 years ago in Company two other boys. All adult, consenting, content, and with nothing to hide.
It all makes even more pain and tenderness in the light of ' editorial today which Alessandro Sallusti tries to do something about climbing a bit' on the mirrors, or explaining that with the publication of the photos we wanted stress that makes us all with her body what she wants without being subject to trial courts, Parliament or the square. Forgetting for a moment that the issue here is not the disposition that Berlusconi of his body but the arrangement that has too often had the body of various age, however, for a fee.

It's a little 'species the explanation that Victor Felts gave in response to criticism piovutegli him a bit' by all parties following the headline on the front page on February 2 which made us aware that Free Piero Marrazzo was stopped at a routine control of police and found again in the company of a transsexual, which is not exactly a front-page news because you have not found any crime by the person who among other things not currently holds any office public. These are the words of Felt:
" Marrazzo was governor of the Lazio up to a year and a half ago has not even a traffic policeman. For me it is news. Then we can discuss where to place it, whether or not to open the newspaper. But it is news. Belpietro has done well to give it. "
Which is a little ' smile when you think all the press as pro-Cav. (TG1 in the head) is (or is not) the news and details emerged in the investigation of bunga-bunga affecting the current fourth position in the state, and not a former governor who resigned a year and a half ago when the scandal broke that he was concerned.

It is pleasing to note that while the careers of some of the leading lights of the evening in Arcore is finally taking off after so many sacrifices, to testify as to this country to rise enough to turn in the news in any way and for any wickedness.
Ruby massively clicked in a testimonial spot is the new book by Alfonso Luigi Marra (entitled the maze female), Raffaella Fico Island is Famous; Francesca Cipriani has deservedly taken the place to Transform; Nicole Minetti started out as a columnist on Free reminding among other things " Smurfette happily enjoyed his blissful state of only female in the village, and even Snow White lived with seven men . Nicole however has no memory of any "protestor princess, and even a fairy tale that begins with "Once Upon a Time in the square .." ".

And while there is passionate and there divides, AC and based on contingencies, including neo-Puritan and neo-libertine, in this triumph of morality and consistency would wonder (even if someone starts to ask) who, in this new political landscape where the bigots are on the left and liberals are just and only the other side, should be load of the instances of homosexual couples, unmarried couples, infertile couples, those who would choose to undergo such treatment and which to reject, for those who want more sex education and more promotion of contraception to prevent sexually transmitted diseases ....
Perhaps this chaos, this alleged conduct with fluid that moves from side to side but who never abandons us, there's just no one left to do for others who are not liberal themselves.


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