We must act urgently to Libya to stop a bloodbath intolerable, for which the whole world and the West in particular, until now seemed to be too indifferent, as compared to other crises in the past where faster and more convinced it was decided to intervene.
We must follow the democratic transitions underway in Tunisia and Egypt, and one that promises to Libya.
is to be the true extent of the risk of growth of power and 'flu of Islamic fundamentalism, which ousted regimes in those countries or are about to be in good and bad so far managed to contain.
We must anticipate and calibrate carefully the new order that emerges from this historical phase , and predict the possible impact it will have on the Middle Eastern arena, with Israel for example that could be affected by the change of leadership in Egypt without forgetting, however, that the riots have also taken root elsewhere, from the Bahrain Yemen, to other African countries, as in Gabon and Djibouti , and that the referendum that sanctioned the secession of South Sudan from the rest of the country could have a domino effect in other African countries where ethnic divisions are very sharp, just like in Libya.
There are masses of young people, the main demographic component of the Maghreb countries, that with the same force with which toppled regimes seemed eternal now claim a better future.
There are questions that the West must now ask, and which must assume responsibility : Ben Ali, Mubarak and Gaddafi, though with different timing and modalities have to be supported all over Europe and the United States, which have endorsed dictatorships more or less hidden but can contain Islamic fundamentalism is derived, and to be partners in economic and strategic fund malleable and reliable (including Gaddafi, at least the last decade).
There are problems to stop the supply of natural gas and especially oil , leading to instability in international financial markets. Especially in Libya then we are to protect the interests of large Italian companies engaged in large contracts.
There are - of course there are, just fair account - the potential consequences that the political instability in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt could result in migration flows to our shores.
There to acknowledge the central role that the Internet (also and especially through the blogosphere, twitter and facebook) has had in raising the masses of young Egyptians, Tunisians and Libyans, accelerating them at the ripening process and decision awareness of the principles and values \u200b\u200bof democracy, until they get off on the street is short, to rule in a way that the freedom of the network is an asset that must be defended and guaranteed always and everywhere.
There is no especially Europe, which after failing in the process of rapprochement and cooperation with the southern Mediterranean coast, is now having to suffer the consequences of its shortcomings and its divisions the commitment in that area. It is facing turbulence so close and great historical significance in a time when he lost the ability and above all the will to think and act together on the international scene, for example in the days of the revolt in Egypt, in the face of a fugitive clear and unified European position , have been numerous statements and positions taken by individual Member States. A very bad, and the emblem of this weakness and inconsistency that can not be outside the EU High Representative for his foreign policy, British Baroness Catherine Ashton, the result of a low-profile appointment already in his time (it was November of 2009) was seen for what it was, or the result of the game perfect downward continued to not upset any Registry jealous of its autonomy in foreign policy.
no better shape that Europe is doing these days in the face of fierce violence of the militias of the Rais: hesitation, splits, arguments in advance and still no concrete action.
Just such a scenario, the European country closest (geographically and historically) and therefore more interested in the upheavals in a few days have long turned to Ben Ali and Mubarak regimes and who now seem to have compromised the forty Gaddafi's reign, should be more interested and more committed to carve out a role as a credible and reliable mediator between Europe and the Maghreb, not just to put a speedy end to the carnage going on in Libya, not only in the name of its international prestige, but also to participate in 'ensure the fulfillment of democratic transitions only action undertaken in order to ensure political and social stability throughout the region, ultimately to protect their own economic interests and its security. Italy is not doing any of this , it is not only unable to take the lead and spokesperson at European level as it would be natural, but only to have a credible voice and authoritative about what is happening and the position that Europe should take.
Going beyond the personal - despicable, deprecated and which has already said it all - which pursues Berlusconi Italian foreign policy and who have created the basis for the questionable and conflicting views expressed Frattini, is in fact the paucity and short-sightedness of the whole of the Italian government, which, apart from a few late as sterile position, continues to demonstrate they could not seize any of the above items that are marking this era of historical events to the south of the Mediterranean . Not only reducing everything to a potential problem of migration, as was duly made as to those peoples they arose (see titles above), but also demonstrating that in the end, removed the issue of landing on our shores, Italy to what is happening in North Africa very little interest : will also not true, but that idea can never make our allies, which we call listen and help if these days the prime minister instead of dictating a political agenda in line with what happens to a few hundreds of kilometers from our borders maybe making themselves available in the light of its privileged relationship with the Libyan colonel , perhaps to dissuade him from persevering in a blind and savage repression, instead of dealing exclusively with its legal proceedings and how to address them through its political power?
Another blow to the image of our country then came this morning, when there was yet another proof that the small majority it enjoys in parliament this government does not guarantee that it manages to be all ' height of the tasks he has to fulfill: the the Defense Minister La Russa , to participate in the vote of confidence in the House on the decree milleproroghe, did not attend an emergency NATO summit held in Budapest on the situation in Libya, being represented nothing more than by the Italian ambassador in place (even a Secretary? And what are we to do?).
It also specified that today the absence of LaRussa would not have even been decisive for the achievement of trust.
The Maghreb is on fire, but here we go out in pieces, and we can swear that we are only beginning.
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