In this important report from Libya journalist Annozero Corrado Formigli follows a group of rebels on their way to Brega, Libyan city that hosts a major oil terminal now in rebel hands, and thus objective of the bombing of Qaddafi's militiamen. The oil is clearly a fundamental geo-strategic asset in the fight between the rebels and the regime. The movie but is especially valuable because it shows what the real climate (guerrilla if not civil war) that you breathe in these hours in Libyan territory, divided between rebel-held areas and areas controlled by mercenaries under the Rais. Also following the story, as well as noting the fervor and conviction of young Libyans in trying to overthrow a regime that targets only answer them with bombs, rocket launchers and anti-aircraft missiles, one can not but feel that as unfortunately is rather Specifically, the risk of a drift radical Islamic likely resulting from the disintegration of the next forty years of the Gaddafi regime.
TgZero ago but a quick examination of the issues currently of more concern that the system has to face Italy, which youth unemployment, public debt (which increased to EUR 200 billion, or 12%, with half-term of the Berlusconi government), inflation and the fall in consumption and savings. But the Parliament, according as detected by Openpolis , deals with something quite different: in the ranking of topics dealt with Deputies and Senate in the first place include the processes penalties, while public debt is 512esimo place and youth work to 594esimo . To be clear, the criminal laws dealing 60% of parliamentary business.
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