on the sides and on the time it sees the presence of mural paintings with human figures, decorative candles and colored bands. Of these paintings is not currently possible to establish a dating since covered almost entirely by dirt and plaster, we assume that it may be of works dating from the XVI / XVII century.
At the beginning of the fourteenth century has documented the existence of a church dedicated to San Giacomo de Cerva located at a place called "the Resicco" next door "Rotes" that led to Salerno .
is listed in 1309 among those who pay tithes to the Apostolic Chamber.
Companile obvious similarities between the architecture of St. James with one of the church of San Giovanni in the Park (1466) suggest that the two religious buildings were built during the same period.
The church, under the patronage of the University of San Severino, appears in several documents of the sixteenth century, including a report signed by Jerome Ansalone with the seal of the University of San Severino, dated July 5 1593, in which states that "in the market resicco Antiqua is the church called St. Jacomo which, many years ago and was almost ruined after he made a beginning Hospital et nova factory and also the old church was covered ecclesia et accommodated at the expense of the University because they could celebrate ... "while in another document dated 6 July same year, Ferrante Fusco, said: "Having been awarded to S. Jacob's well regarded et resicco I measured the length of the church of palms 45 and width 35. To the east, for eleven palms departs, we see a new building for the Universita 'di San Severino, a beautiful and modern church, named similarly to S. Jacomo, widen spatiosa et, et et arch moldings inside and outside are carved stone in the guise of Piperno in Naples. Around noon there is a comfortable et aggarbato Hospital where he is exposed to welcome you govern affect et de et there are one et the other sex, ran under the Hospital there is a mountain of mercy to the poor that imprest nicely et pledge et such hospital and are in the likeness of those upstream of the Annunciation in Naples ... "
In 1595 a report of the visit of the Archbishop of Salerno Mario Bolognini, it appears that in the church of San Giacomo erected the Confraternity of Mary. Snow, where the brothers were buried.
In 1798 there are records of the presence within the church altar with a statue dedicated to the cult of San Severino.
When Archbishop Salvatore Spinelli, in May of 1798, visits to the church it has seven altars dedicated to St. Gaetano, Santa Maria di Loreto, St. Joseph, Holy Family, St. Agatha, St. Charles Borromeo, San Severino.
Other documents Sante visits throughout the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth century. are descriptions of places, appointments, donations and revenues of the church and its outbuildings.
In the eighteenth century. in the church of San Giacomo was built a brotherhood of the clergy entitled to the Assunta.
complex Church housed, as shown by documents, the Hospital of the Poor, the pawnshop, the Wheel of complaints and an orphanage.
The wheel of complaints is being restored at the expense of the City in March 1833, and until the beginning of the twentieth century was still present.
In 1810 the church of San Giacomo was administered by mayors pro-tem and the College of settlers, who boasted a church on this "chimeric" right jus employers "because the place, was to publish Royal Property Charity. Sixty years earlier there was "for the convenience of the population" Monte a named Bank of St. James "from the despotism of the community leaders of that era dilapidated and abandoned" , a hospital "... in his mediocre building still exists room for the sick and the Chapel , Cunin the hospital and the oven ... ", the orphanage for abandoned children in the wheel of exposed " ... the streets is the Wheel flap with marble old job ... I was always fixing the wheel ricevitrice de 'projects some ... in the church, attacked this pious place an old, old Baptistery Sacred Lavender de '... the projects some of the projects some ricevitrice, four nurses and two projects some ... ".
all the claims stemmed from administrators in a dispute between them and the State Property regarding the award of the church, but were not found the necessary documents to shed light on the matter since "to prevent the discovery usurpation of ... these cards were burned, stolen the foundation and its true ... it is to register each one of his former mayors, from 1800 in ... then you have an appropriate background and this is how you had the foresight to release the records .... " The directors continued their grim business, and subtracting obscuring public documents, falsifying documents, dilapidanto property for public benefit, while within the walls of the church, hospitals, orphanages, pawnbroker of St. James, the young orphan girls of marriageable age , orphans, and the attendants led ricevitrice their squalid existence of usurped rights.
In 1812, the orphanage is no longer active.
The Vicar Forane of San Severino, December 28, 1858 describes the church as follows: "the church of St. James is very large and beautiful structure, but you need the walls to the ceiling and floor of an innovation."
L'arc. Laspro in 1902, visited St. James and on this occasion it was written: "the altar under the title of San Rocco is clean and decorated with conopeo, the Assumption is equipped with a sacred stone, that of M. SS. Loreto waxed canvas, so also the altar of St. James, of S. Anna S. Carlo Borromeo, St. Severino. "
All the works in the church, when it was closed for worship, they passed the church of San Giovanni in the Park, except the statue of San Rocco in head who was brought to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, and you do not know the fate of works of the altar of St. James and San Severino.
; ; ; Dr. Antonella Favato
1. OTTAVIO CAPUTO "Churches of the past - Santiago de Cerva" in "Old churches Sanseverino - Diocese of Salerno, P.. 127/131.
2. TERESA PALMA "Orphanage St. James, and usurpers of dilapidated projects some unhappy maidens and honor "in" History of Fragments "- Municipal Archives and educational research-BOOK No. 3, p.. 19/22
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The environment in question is located on the ground floor of a building subject to protection under the No D.Leg.vo 42/2004, as part of the Complex of Santiago de Cerva dating the fourteenth century, including the Church dedicated to St. James, the Hospital of the Poor, the Mount of the pawns and the orphanage.
The Mediterranean, closed and unused for over ten years, had been recently occupied by a workshop for the working of iron. Just this activity has caused the blackening of the walls general several times previously dull.
The thick composite covering the old plaster in many places it is assigned and has revealed the presence of ancient paintings which you can see parts of human figures, and architectural decorations phytomorphic.
At current is difficult to indicate what could be the subject of the scenes, as well as quantify the extent of painted surface, traces of which, however you can see clearly all over the walls, ; On sails and on time.
The Mediterranean, closed and unused for over ten years, had been recently occupied by a workshop for the working of iron. Just this activity has caused the blackening of the walls general several times previously dull.
The thick composite covering the old plaster in many places it is assigned and has revealed the presence of ancient paintings which you can see parts of human figures, and architectural decorations phytomorphic.
At current is difficult to indicate what could be the subject of the scenes, as well as quantify the extent of painted surface, traces of which, however you can see clearly all over the walls, ; On sails and on time.
I work to make light of the environment and consolidation of wall paintings in question, as required by the project authorized by the Superintendency of Salerno and Avellino BSAE letter dated July 20, 2010 prot. 0002287, and simultaneously initiated in the presence of Dr. A. Braca, as of today have given rise to what follows.
After the pre-consolidation and securing of unsafe fragments by infiltration of acrylic resin in aqueous suspension and installation of containment liners along the margins, tests were performed removing layers sovrammessi.
The highlight of the layering at the surface was performed with a scalpel, using distilled water and showed the presence of n. 6 layers.
The first is from a warehouse inconsistent soot in fatty character with considerable thickness, most likely originated from a long business carried on in the local metal working shop from. Immediately below the soot there is a crust about an inch high, black, compact but uneven, otherwise immobilized to the surface depending on the area, with the formation of large plates that alternate with detached portions merged tenaciously to the underlying layers.
Below is found a level of gray is also laminated, which, depending on your point of testing carried out, has been detected for at least two or three overlaps with variable thickness.
After covering gray carbonate salts are found heterogeneously holding a film very strong, more or less clear yellow amber, contaminated or overlapped soluble salts.
From what we've seen, the paintings below are made fresh and are well enough preserved to neglect given to the animals and the conditions of extreme environmental degradation.

Rest. Maria Paola Bellifiori
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