have already spent nearly 3 setiimane since I arrived on this small island, but the time has flown by fast, before my eyes wide and incredulous before the great change in my life.
It seems that my journey finally has found a way and that, from now on, can really be called "INFINITY TRIP".
Lying in bed, in Italy, I spent hours staring at the ceiling hoping, at any moment, to be enlightened. "What is the work that I could do and that would allow me to travel? - Where? - What company? What qualifications would I need? - But first of all and, more importantly, what is the job I like to play? " These and other questions going on in my head, but in most cases, the answer was: "There!"
Sometimes, the ideas came to me, but always seemed too far from reality, difficult, impossible, dangerous, often impossible.
I always said that my only dream was to live in the sea, but before stabilizing, traveling as much as possible. Well, the profession of diving instructor accords fully with these my two desires.
Yes, this now is my goal!
By the end of the year I want to be able to take the patent and to become instructors.
not that long ago that I came into this world, but I'm very intrigued and I feel within me, bubbling enthusiasm and desire to learn how not happening now, years. After class
ADVENTURE FIRST AID AND RECOVERY OF SUB IN DANGER, I started the long journey to the patent by an instructor.
at this time are a DMT (DIVE MASTER IN TRAINING). This course takes a minimum of 5 weeks to a maximum of 3 months, although the term is not exhaustive.
If it succeeds, it becomes DIVE MASTER, or guide / assistant guide for divers and instructors, during the course.
From day one is put in (so to speak) and start working. Practical training of DMT, in fact, is to conduct all the tasks of the DM and, as regards the theoretical aspect, in studying a book, an encyclopedia dedicated to face numerous tests, including: physics, physiology, decompression theory, equipment ..
The road is long and arduous, but I'm excited about the thought of having to deal with.
not want to be boring, but mostly I would like, therefore, I will not go in explaining all the tasks that I compete. I'm just saying take care of 5 or 6 divers who dive for the first time in their lives, to 15m, is a big responsibility.
Day at a Time is able to integrate better with other instructors of the school and the other DM. Apart from someone, we are all children aged 20 to 35 years.
Three weeks ago I was seen as one of many who come, is a course, some diving for fun and then ended the holidays, he returns home. Now, I feel part of the group though, to make things more difficult, as always, is English. Only 2 of the 10 instructors and 10 DM school speak English.
I try to see the positive aspect of my failure and I consider having an opportunity to study this language Essendon very motivated. To carry out this work is essential to speak English.
A few days ago I rented an apartment located along the main street of the island.
E 'quite expensive compared to the average, however, has its convenience: it is close to downtown, clean and comfortable and is equipped with all the essentials. I live alone and, from my window, I see the sea that is less than 50m. With the accommodation I also supplied a bike.
not replace people on the island is incredible: every day they go and get a hundred people. There are at least 15 diving schools and the environment is very young and vacations.
People, kids, come here for diving, but also to enjoy the evening. There are at least 6 or 7 bar which, in turn, are sold out with parties, dinners or events. The same schools are organizing private parties and evening entertainment and I must say, my, at least this is one of the best.
Yesterday afternoon, for example, I participated in the "Olympic diving."
There were two teams of, respectively, by instructors and Dm / DMT. They competed in 10 specialties, including: research diving, swimming competitions, free diving, with the canoe ..
E 'was great fun and, at the end .... music, grilled meat and beer.
Last Thursday, my instructor chileno, Tonio, we went to hear a DJ who played the "Babaluba. The
"Babaluba" is a bar / restaurant that, like many on the island, is a house on stilts over the sea.
along a wooden walkway, toward the ocean, you arrive at the Ballroom is fully open with the center, a square hole. Some reflectors, on the seabed, illuminate the enormous natural aquarium and with a little 'luck, you can also go see a barracuda or a large manta ray.
That evening, the atmosphere was special thanks to the 70 African music played by our friend DJ, who was also a student of the school.
Another popular bar, here is the "Tritanic" which they say is one of the 10 most beautiful bar in the world. (I can assure you, however, because I do not know if my sources are so reliable). And 'all built on a huge tree and it is great. You go from one room to another wooden cross rickety bridges suspended between the branches and leaves. There are cobwebs with diameters of 2 or 3 meters inhabited by spiders as big as my hand. That evening, leaning against a big tree branch, spoke quietly with a girl when I saw, just above my arm, a big black spider. Thought it was fake, blew the top to see if it rocked because it was a bit 'suspended, but he moved ... and ran. A shiver ran down my back and took my hand from the tree accompanied by the laughter of my interlocutor.
I would still have so many things to tell, situations, places, people, moments ....................... I think, though, that I shall more time.
From now on I will be busy for about 10 hours a day, and between studying, diving, exams and everything else, I think I will not have 'much time to write. This is not to say that I will not write more, just during my participation in this course, will make publications on the blog.
thank, from my heart, all my readers for having been close so far and I would be very happy to read some comments also to understand which parts of my stories like best and what not. I hope you will continue to be close to me, although I will write less frequently.
My stay here for now, is expected until the end of the courses that I have undertaken. I hope to complete this project even if they are aware that, as has already happened, overnight, everything could change again.
Now I'm going to sleep tomorrow morning .. woke up at 6:30, but I do it with great pleasure because I do something I love and I'm passionate about. Like all things, positive and negative aspects.
............ But every time I dive from the boat, raised his left hand with the hose to empty the air from my vest and I still get down, get down, what I feel is indescribable! See moving behind the glass of my mask the water line that separates the real world from underground and then put myself in that paradise of colors, lights, animals, sounds different every time .......
do not know if I'll ever getting bored of it all!
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