well I had to take three taxi-collective to be able to get to this famous beach. For taxis are those routes that run more 'long urban areas, carrying passengers from one city to' the other for a price which is normally 'a little higher than that of a journey on a bus.
I left Sunday morning at 10.00 and in front of the bus station I went to the first taxi. By sheer luck the minute I arrived, we were approaching the three taxi teenage girls laughing and holding hands. Normally, the expectation that all of the places to be taxi There, where 'prolonged even more' than necessary, but in this case, we set off at once towards Puerto Escondido. About half 'way to get to Puerto, turning right at a big intersection and after a few minutes all went down in the city' of Pochutla. From there, another collective taxi to the small seaside town of Puerto Angel, and finally, the last direct Zicatela beach.
The small town of Zicatela, extends into the street parallel to the beach about 3 km long. To separate the beach from the single main street where you see a car passing every 15 minutes, the long strip of inns, restaurants, bars and cabins overlooking the sea, offering refreshments to the tourists. In the first
I stopped, I just 'read the price list hanging off the front desk to understand that it was within my reach. I continued, so 'to walk the sand, looking for something more' statement. I found it quickly. In a small posada by lilac facade, had been a free room on the first floor, costs 40% less than the previous one, private bathroom, fan and a luxury to that of the first was missing: the window of the room, one could admire the whole beach Just step on the little balcony with adjoining rooms close to smell the sea.
Put my things, I went immediately to walk on the beach and I did it in a northerly direction towards the large cliff that delimits the end. After a quick bath, it remained a few meters from the shore, due to high waves, but especially strong currents that sometimes carry away any human life, I decided to see beyond the 'rocks to be able to take some very nice photos.
Driven by curiosity 'to see what was behind the rocky mountain and even a bit' of unconsciousness, armed only with a bathing suit, flip flops and a camera between my teeth, I began my climb. Cominciaroro feet to sweat and quickly slip out of sandals anointed as soap. Come up with difficulty on top of a big rock, I found myself faced with a slanted wall about 2 feet high. I do not know exactly what hell I step 'in the head at the time, but I decided it groped more' stupid that you could do, and that means' Get off! I am a bit ashamed 'to tell, but in the end, and happened by now and perhaps one day, reading this, I'll be able' to do me a big laugh.
I sat on the top of the rock with his hands resting on your hips, I looked down and tried to find a place where you can land, then, without thinking twice, I dropped down. The landing was a disaster! Both my feet slipped from the slippers, I could not keep my balance and fell tumbling to the ground on the right side. After I insulted him alone for five minutes, I managed to get up and sit on the rock. The first thing I saw when I turned, was the shining spot of blood on the hot stone near my feet. Bleeding from his left foot, from 4 different points on the right leg, right arm from the elbow, hip and gave me a terrible evil. I analyzed the injuries, caught my breath and waited for the pain had diminished. A boy is facing 'the rock from which I had launched and I look' with a look of amazement and almost a bit 'scared, probably wondering how the heck I did to get there. His head disappear 'out of my sight before I could ask him for help. I found myself alone with the waves crashing at my feet, the large vultures blacks who flew with my circular triettorie head and the sun was beating fast and burnt the bleeding wounds. I felt stupid, really stupid .... But the best is yet to come: the problem 'was great to go back! I tried repeatedly to climb the rock from which I had thrown, but without success, he risks falling back. I did not have sufficient footings, the right hip was hurting and I felt my left foot burned as if you were walking on hot coals. The superficial wounds on his leg and arm, the bleeding stopped soon, but it swelled up and turned into pellets under the skin is scratched. I looked around, I did not know really how to go from there. No one could see me from the nearby beach, only in the distance I could see people walking on sand and do not know if I could do something to attract their attention. I started laughing, as my grandmother says, ¨ ¨ and not cry, when I vent, to think of a solution to avoid becoming dinner for those Hawks disturbing that I flew over his head.
abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bclimbing the rock wall, I opted to try to pass on the outside. The thing that most 'was frightening, was the color of the stone, the gleaming black indicating that they were wet and slippery. I put the sandals in costume behind the camera between clenched teeth and, in small steps, I invented a path. For every move that I felt a sharp blade I came under the sole of his left foot and sweat was burning the other wounds. Very slowly and with great care it took me 10 minutes to be able to go through endless around the side of the rock, and when he finally rested his feet on the sand, I felt a great relief. I went immediately to bathe the wounds ¨ ¨ with sea water, thank God I had not done anything serious with that jump I could easily break an ankle or something 'else. As I was walking pain on the soles of the feet increased steadily. I cleaned up, trying to stay in equilibrium with the water to the knees, I grabbed him by the hand, how do you do to stretch the muscles, and what I saw, I did not like at all. In addition to a wound as big as a 100-lire coin, deep enough to be able to see the flesh white on the inside just below the big toe, there was a cut that ran through the sole of the foot in its center horizontally. It was not very deep, but it was what made me more 'evil of all, and having to walk on, certainly did not help.
I lay on my shorts in front of the posada, I lit a cigarette and began to laugh at myself. ¨ Well Matthew, I think the bullshit of the day you have it made, I think you can believe satisfied! · I thought while watching the sun hiding behind the ocean. The sea was rough and the waves clashed with each other and the ridges colored the sea of \u200b\u200bwhite. When the sun went away ', the anniversary of the above is about long boundary from the sky' ocean, formed 'a huge rainbow that covered the flat horizon. The lines of color were visible, but among them were mixed shades of bright colors that I had never seen before. I stayed to enjoy the show until the end when I got back and hobbled into the room, it was already dark.
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