Monday, December 20, 2010
Small Estate Administration In Indiana
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Portuguese Christmas Sayings
old post of
01/11/2008 12:00:07
PLACE ': Bracknell (SA)
SIZE: m. 1.70 x 0.4 x 0.5
The statue of S. Elizabeth of Hungary, the subject of the restoration, before the intervention was presented in poor condition. The entire surface was
widely and heavily remodeled, covered by several layers of riammaniture and repainting that obstruct and distort the modeled completely altering the perception of the image that had been taken, especially in the face look grotesque. From the earliest short essays
removal performed on the surface, it became clear the seriousness conservative, in fact, beneath the layers mentioned anything not emerged. On the other hand, the status of the image as it came, was so compromised, so defaced, runs roughly, that it is unbearable and keeping it unlikely, because, remained detectable on closer inspection, some sweetness of expression and style of modeling, with a twist of the torso and a movement to remember the fifteenth-century sculptures.
In the first instance, it was nearly impossible to examine the real state of conservation work, much was covered by remakes. Only later, after the removal of layers sovrammessi, we were able to realize the Conservative position, which looked very dramatic.
The old paint film remaining was less than 20%, mainly concentrated on the face and hands, all the rest of the surface of the exposed wood, also fortemente degradato. ; ; ;
The previous attacks by insects xylophagous had so weakened the structure will affect the static function. Gaps were evident in parts of the model, cracks in the wood, cracks and disconnections, the right arm was just glued to the shaft, his hands were poorly assembled, the base also was not partially detached from the original sculpture for this reason that swayed dangerously.
observing the issues raised during the restoration was possible to identify a number of previous interventions, including, most recently going back a few years ago. It has witnessed the discovery of copies of children's drawings dated 1998, used compensate for the gaps and cracks in the wood.
The carvings, usually were frequently subjected to resettlement assistance, aimed at the recovery aesthetic misunderstanding is often resolved in gross alterations to the structure and exterior renovations through practices that today are considered inconceivable. Often the original color was clear and repeated damage from scratch, or even assemble parts from different operas, also coming to change the subject, according to the liturgical requirements. This practice therefore tends to effortlessly handle the work regardless of its value of cultural heritage and often causing irreversible damage.
In the case of our sculptures, we have no documents certain by which to trace the conditions that led to the current conservative outcome, therefore we can not know whether the almost total lack of color loss is due to natural or brought to zero by restorers in the past. Looking closely you could see the surface of the wood fibers, residue of an ancient ammanitura certainly this artificially removed at a time not documented.
Recovery aesthetic was definitely the starting point of this restoration in the second round saw us struggling with a complex consolidation operations structural.
The aesthetics of a sculpture as impaired as that of our Holy Elizabeth, is perceived as a pressing need in proportion to its devotional significance, but the restorer knows that it is also a cultural heritage, and as such protected by state laws aimed at the protection and preservation of heritage. Here is a case in which reconcile the different needs, and that is religious, aesthetic, and the strictly conservative and testimony, it becomes very difficult, especially since the client is religious and private.
aware of these various duties, and having as an end to retrieve a work aesthetically and structurally, We started our career path.
After dusting a preliminary, first you performed a complete visual reconnaissance of the area, a thorough photographic documentation and graphic relief of the status quo.
cleaning tests were performed in various areas such as cognitive approach is the original surface and its state of preservation methodology to identify a suitable system of cleaning that assures us the best possible result.
From these tests revealed serious deterioration now besetting the work is the lack of color almost anywhere on the habit and a great part of the flesh, and for the condition of the wooden support that occurred completely deteriorated because of the massive attacks of insects xylophagous.
The first step of cleaning we have confirmed the presence of several layers of different materials. Under a recently performed the first riammanitura gypsum and animal glue, painted in tempera paint without, and then easily removed, were identified several other layers made of water-soluble substances such as wax, paint, colored coatings, repainting oil and enamel, and riammaniture various funds, as well as canvases glued at points of maximum degradation of wood and paper-wrapped stuffed in the cracks.
Based on the findings of the tests, it was decided to differentiate the method of cleaning of the flesh than the rest of the surface.
The clothes, shoes and platform were cleaned by alternating wraps solvents left to act for the opportune time to swell the layers, and subsequent removal of both the scalpel and repainting of the various substances that layered the canvas and paper.
The whole operation took two months for employees and several interns because of the multitude of substances sovrammesse, some of which are particularly thick and concretions. In particular, it shows a strong re-roofing ammanitura placed in contact with the wood degraded, that substance was to fill as well as the inner parts of the drapes, the cracks in the wood and the many holes caused by the action of insects.
cleaning of the flesh, however, was divided into four distinct phases.
First, the outer layer is removed the newly installed, run with gypsum and animal glue, tempera painting, using an internal solution consisting of a thickened water-soluble nonionic surfactant in low concentration such as 1% Tween 20 in water, to follow a slight shift to wipe water and acetone and another of acetone and petroleum spirit. Then, using the magnifying glass, it was possible to recover the pieces of flesh and the original model, using a solvent consisting of DMSO 25% - 75% Acetone in buffer to soften or swell as layers of paint and stucco compound and remove them completely with a scalpel or the dental explorer. Finally, it is operated with a washing buffer ligroina.
After cleaning, the entire sculpture now free of sovrammissioni, regained weight model and harmony in the movement. In fact, despite the tragic absence of most of the paint film, the work seemed more readable and expressive.
We proceeded, therefore, the intervention order before the disinfestation of wood through infiltration and tinting of liquid-based permethrin (active ingredient that ensures prolonged action of toxicity for both insects at the adult stage for the larvae). The sculpture was then sealed in polyethylene heavy for 20 days in order to create a sort of gas chamber. After having seen to the removal of structural reconstructions of previous restorations, no longer eligible for conformation and constitution, the matter was consolidated with an acrylic polymer in solution applied to infiltration by rescente percentualizzazione.
After these operations, the sculpture had regained stability and structural compactness. Now the problem was posed
refund aesthetics. The search for a new synthesis, had, as I said initially, to take into account several aspects: on the one hand it was necessary that the final image would reflect the expectations of the faithful and of the commissioners, was another important that compliance with these expectations did not go in conflict with the laws of conservation and restoration of cultural property.
Given the state of extreme deterioration, it was decided to intervene as little as possible with the reintegration of color. All his clothes were then treated to wood, while the embodied and the base have been rehabilitated.
Areas with exposed wood were first grouted, etched, covered with a thin coat of shellac and finally protected by a layer of natural wax. On
areas polychrome painting was done a term in order to interpose a thin layer of intervention between the original and the substances applied in the following stages of filling and chromatic reintegration.
To rebuild the necessary formal unity of the flesh have been carried out, filling with gypsum and animal glue. After another slight
painting was done with the reintegration of color using color to paint for restoration, only colors compatible and resistant to UV radiation, mending the remaining original fabric color and dotted with glazes, and big gaps with the hatching .
For the base, however, it is an element of the renovation, has operated more freely, without prejudice to the use of completely reversible proposing the microscopic traces discovered in red at the base of clothes during the cleaning, and proposing un'argentatura Mecca for the frames.
intervention for reinstatement based on color on both embodied and was completed with the application, spray paint a semi-opaque. All materials used are considered suitable for use in the restoration of cultural heritage for their quality characteristics, duration and reversibility. 10/01/2008
Rest. Maria Paola Bellifiori
(you can look at the pictures in the photo)!1240?ref=1&sa=836364624
Friday, December 17, 2010
What Happened Kates Playground
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Free How Long Can The Labia Be Streched Out
a man who portrays a servant of the state, for unduly incravattato a job interview into a quasi-public companies, in the bustle of port numbers pia pastry fifties of "the bourgeois", a weekly founded and directed by Leo Longanesi, highly critical of the then party politics. partitocrazia graphically represented in the central pages of the weekly, by blow-ups of politicians, cardinals, ladies for company, caught by surprise, confabulation in the palaces of power, unfair to revel in the villas on the Appia, the curious eye who investigates and reveals the little power, cultural operation in recent years recovered from Dagospia fruitfully. noise of helicopters, police sirens, ambulance, rhythmic slogans of protest marches coming muted.
children marching in a row ordered to Piazza Barberini, are reflected in the Triton Fountain, created by Bernini, indicate the four dolphins, admire the trajectory of falling water, while the teachers singing the songs Christmas, tap them to memorize in a few days of school remaining. The cinema is open for screenings by appointment even in the morning, call time meals. Australian tourists hastily moves away from the center and peering through the questions to see the face who can easily give information in English.
street where the course leads onto Piazza Venezia, in the space on the maps is referred to as the center of downtown Rome, armored vehicles of the financial police to prevent change. a young financier mesagne holding tight his transparent shield that reflects the anxiety that is tight. the day before, on the phone, his elderly mother asked him when he returns home for Christmas and he did not know how to answer, because he can not go back since he decided to leave. the more senior colleague who has close and intimate shakes dall'intontimento to reject the steady stream of curious people who asked to go, screaming, to Piazza Venezia, turn right and then right again, but it is better to change direction.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
10 22 Bullpup Stock -muzzelite
Pink And Green Lines Tv
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tongue Bacteria Infection
Monday, December 6, 2010
What Shoe Size Is J10
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Eyeclops Mini Projector With Laptop?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How To Pay Aetna Bill
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Example Of Message To The Groom
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How Long Do You Serve Before You Can Retire?

seemed to be a quiet Saturday afternoon like many others, I was sitting on the floor, on the dock of my two-story school in Sub. In the shadow of the great umbrella of straw, with my friend Antonio and Tony, my instructor, we were going over the lessons of physiology and correcting some exams.
Tonio was wearing the usual sunglasses with red frames, a green shirt and his favorite costume. Her hair blowing in the wind and the sun brightened the long beard covered his face from what appeared, in a consistent manner, his broad smile.
distracted me for a moment remembering the afternoon previously spent by the best barber in the world: Vess, a Finnish girl who is following my own way and who offered to cut my hair. Vess has an athletic body highlighted by bright red bikini, long blond hair, tied back to the framing her face, her features perfect, delicate, delightful, are carved around two large blue diamond, his eyes shining like ocean water lying at my feet.
I brought to school in the machine with which I shaved a little hair left.
was about 17.30 and I sat on a wooden chair, watching the sunset on top of the pier. I wished so much that someone would make me a picture at that moment because, in opinion I was a very unique scene. Instead of combs, hair dryer, leather seats, mirrors, sinks, magazines ....... immersed in a cloud of hairspray from the pungent aroma, I had only one chair.
The sun was setting slowly and the colors of the sky were mingled with those of the ocean, creating a background with shades of red and orange.
I looked around and smiled, enchanted by the scenery of that place at that time.
"This is the best hair salon where I have been in my entire life!" I thought while brushing Vess was spinning around with her body making me shiver and covering for a few moments, the wonderful view that every night, gives me a perfect picture.
to interrupt my journey with the fantasy was Mitch, the owner of the school.
We felt that the other school of boat out for diving in the afternoon, had just called to inform us immediately that they have spotted some WHALE SHARK (whale sharks), off the north side of the island. He told us we had to prepare quickly and help the other participants, guests of the school.
After exactly 30 minutes everything was ready and out to sea at 16:15.
Go on the north side of the island involves a large expenditure of fuel, and only when business is good, takes place every morning. There, sites for diving are the most beautiful and full of life, but some schools, because the slowness of the boats, there are practically never.
Then, starting in 20, 4 pm, without intending to go diving, but with the sole aim of seeing the whale shark is very rare and unmissable opportunity, and in other parts of the world can have price exorbitant.
After circumnavigating the island for half along the coast, we arrived at the point where our comrades were already doing the 2nd dive. We greeted the two boats and then take off and hopefully encouraged by the smiles of our friends who had just gone through that experience.
Mitch gave directions in English and told everyone to get ready.
With the help of Simon, another instructor, we settled sitting in the middle of the boat, arranged in two rows. Facing aft, wear fins, mask and tube, we were all ready to dive, as quickly as possible upon receipt of the signal.
Captain, Mitch, Simon, Tonio and other instructors were scanning the sea in search of the shark. The great fish rises to the surface to feed on small fish and plankton. To follow and take advantage of this moment, there are also tuna rising rapidly and begin to jump out of the water creating great looking frothy. Under one of them you can find him, the whale shark. They were, by now, after 20 minutes and hope inside of me and behind the masks of my companions, was fading slowly.
Someone cried out from the roof of the boat, I turned to see what was going on. All those left standing were looking at the same point and indicated that something in the sea could not see. Below me, the engine roared and the boat started to go faster with a circle.
"Ready? Ready ?.... OK ... gogogogo!" Mitch yelled when the engine went out. We started to enter the water in quick succession in a more orderly as possible. I was very excited, maybe even a little 'confused and afraid of doing the wrong thing being my first time. My head was full of signs in English that I understood only half. By the cries of the boat, from engine noise, agitation collective and the frenzied atmosphere, freed myself in just a second: when I put my head under water. In that silence, in that peace, in this fascinating and mysterious underwater world saw something quite amazing: it was about 5 / 6 yards from me, almost vertical, intent to eat. It was HUGE! But, I mean, HUGE! Length of about 8 / 10 meters and the size of a minivan.
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the largest fish presently known.
It is believed that some samples may exceed 100 years and reach a length of 18 meters (the largest living animal is instead the blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, up to 30 meters in length). The whale shark swims
in all tropical and warm temperate seas and is shown with its characteristic bluish back with strips and round spots. The belly is white and has mimetic functions, in fact, from bottom to top, the white color blends with the brightness of the sea surface, while from the back with blue spots and stripes simulates the reverberation of the sun on the water.
Despite its size, the whale shark is harmless, it is a filter feeder fish that feeds on plankton and small fish that swim with their mouths open catching and passing the water through the filter feeder apparatus connected to the gills.
Disturbed by our presence, he resumed the horizontal position and, without haste, you away.
We were all, attracted to the boat quickly, where rising and position us for a "second round". The enthusiasm was sky: all were laughing, shouting, whistling, they hugged, still incredulous of what we had just seen.
The same procedure was repeated 2 additional times with the same, good, results. I could see that being very closely, staying each time impressed by its majestic grandeur.
Back at school, mad with joy, we all went to celebrate on the BUS CRUS. The Bus Crus is the brainchild of Mitch. Every Saturday evening, around 17:00, the biggest boat of the two schools, serves as a floating bar. Charge people and, with the music blaring, along the quays of the other schools and bars along the coast, and every 20-30 minutes, complete the ride back to school to pick up other people. It was only the 2nd time in it and I enjoyed very much. It was another opportunity to speak in English and be able to tell you about my adventure in the afternoon with a pair of newly arrived Canadians.
At 19:00, when the sun was now dropped, I went to the office to sign up for diving the next morning, hoping that, being a Sunday, we would return to the north and, perhaps, we could review a WHALE SHARK.
So it was even more fun the day before. After two dives where I swam in the middle of a large silver carp like me, we went off. In the front row were Tonio and Dom, another instructor who had priority because it fitted with underwater cameras.
In the first round, so I only saw the last seconds of the "show" and I could not come close to the large animal. There was Mitch and instructors present were too busy looking for the shark to watch me. So, with the permission of the captain, I prepared to descend from the top left of the boat, where I had to do a jump of about one meter to enter the water, trying not to make too much noise not to scare the Pescioni. "Now I'll get into the shark's mouth", I cried the captain, laughing. After a few seconds, I saw the shark's head, out of the water, right under my feet.
"Ahora! Ahora! - I cried! And I, without thinking, I fell.
I had the hose in his mouth like that, once in water, no longer had to pull his head out.
found him BEFORE ME, A 2 meters from me. He was upright, as if he were standing. I was at the level of his huge white belly and I could almost touch it. When others started to gather, as they came down the boat began to move into a horizontal position, lowering his head toward me. I stepped back a bit ', and frankly, I had a moment of fear.
I was able to look into his eyes, to see his great mouth, and strong fins and shiny. I began to climb in his direction, as fast as I could. He stood a few feet below me and it took more than 1 minute before walking away.
I saw him swim, always under me, and move that body with enormous grace and power, at the same time. I felt insignificant in the face of one so majestic.
I hope, heart, you can relive this experience, as many times as possible during my stay in Utila and able to give me some videos and some pictures from my friends inquiry, as a memento of this unforgettable weekend .
Monday, April 12, 2010
Why Does Teeth Gel Expire
have already spent nearly 3 setiimane since I arrived on this small island, but the time has flown by fast, before my eyes wide and incredulous before the great change in my life.
It seems that my journey finally has found a way and that, from now on, can really be called "INFINITY TRIP".
Lying in bed, in Italy, I spent hours staring at the ceiling hoping, at any moment, to be enlightened. "What is the work that I could do and that would allow me to travel? - Where? - What company? What qualifications would I need? - But first of all and, more importantly, what is the job I like to play? " These and other questions going on in my head, but in most cases, the answer was: "There!"
Sometimes, the ideas came to me, but always seemed too far from reality, difficult, impossible, dangerous, often impossible.
I always said that my only dream was to live in the sea, but before stabilizing, traveling as much as possible. Well, the profession of diving instructor accords fully with these my two desires.
Yes, this now is my goal!
By the end of the year I want to be able to take the patent and to become instructors.
not that long ago that I came into this world, but I'm very intrigued and I feel within me, bubbling enthusiasm and desire to learn how not happening now, years. After class
ADVENTURE FIRST AID AND RECOVERY OF SUB IN DANGER, I started the long journey to the patent by an instructor.
at this time are a DMT (DIVE MASTER IN TRAINING). This course takes a minimum of 5 weeks to a maximum of 3 months, although the term is not exhaustive.
If it succeeds, it becomes DIVE MASTER, or guide / assistant guide for divers and instructors, during the course.
From day one is put in (so to speak) and start working. Practical training of DMT, in fact, is to conduct all the tasks of the DM and, as regards the theoretical aspect, in studying a book, an encyclopedia dedicated to face numerous tests, including: physics, physiology, decompression theory, equipment ..
The road is long and arduous, but I'm excited about the thought of having to deal with.
not want to be boring, but mostly I would like, therefore, I will not go in explaining all the tasks that I compete. I'm just saying take care of 5 or 6 divers who dive for the first time in their lives, to 15m, is a big responsibility.
Day at a Time is able to integrate better with other instructors of the school and the other DM. Apart from someone, we are all children aged 20 to 35 years.
Three weeks ago I was seen as one of many who come, is a course, some diving for fun and then ended the holidays, he returns home. Now, I feel part of the group though, to make things more difficult, as always, is English. Only 2 of the 10 instructors and 10 DM school speak English.
I try to see the positive aspect of my failure and I consider having an opportunity to study this language Essendon very motivated. To carry out this work is essential to speak English.
A few days ago I rented an apartment located along the main street of the island.
E 'quite expensive compared to the average, however, has its convenience: it is close to downtown, clean and comfortable and is equipped with all the essentials. I live alone and, from my window, I see the sea that is less than 50m. With the accommodation I also supplied a bike.
not replace people on the island is incredible: every day they go and get a hundred people. There are at least 15 diving schools and the environment is very young and vacations.
People, kids, come here for diving, but also to enjoy the evening. There are at least 6 or 7 bar which, in turn, are sold out with parties, dinners or events. The same schools are organizing private parties and evening entertainment and I must say, my, at least this is one of the best.
Yesterday afternoon, for example, I participated in the "Olympic diving."
There were two teams of, respectively, by instructors and Dm / DMT. They competed in 10 specialties, including: research diving, swimming competitions, free diving, with the canoe ..
E 'was great fun and, at the end .... music, grilled meat and beer.
Last Thursday, my instructor chileno, Tonio, we went to hear a DJ who played the "Babaluba. The
"Babaluba" is a bar / restaurant that, like many on the island, is a house on stilts over the sea.
along a wooden walkway, toward the ocean, you arrive at the Ballroom is fully open with the center, a square hole. Some reflectors, on the seabed, illuminate the enormous natural aquarium and with a little 'luck, you can also go see a barracuda or a large manta ray.
That evening, the atmosphere was special thanks to the 70 African music played by our friend DJ, who was also a student of the school.
Another popular bar, here is the "Tritanic" which they say is one of the 10 most beautiful bar in the world. (I can assure you, however, because I do not know if my sources are so reliable). And 'all built on a huge tree and it is great. You go from one room to another wooden cross rickety bridges suspended between the branches and leaves. There are cobwebs with diameters of 2 or 3 meters inhabited by spiders as big as my hand. That evening, leaning against a big tree branch, spoke quietly with a girl when I saw, just above my arm, a big black spider. Thought it was fake, blew the top to see if it rocked because it was a bit 'suspended, but he moved ... and ran. A shiver ran down my back and took my hand from the tree accompanied by the laughter of my interlocutor.
I would still have so many things to tell, situations, places, people, moments ....................... I think, though, that I shall more time.
From now on I will be busy for about 10 hours a day, and between studying, diving, exams and everything else, I think I will not have 'much time to write. This is not to say that I will not write more, just during my participation in this course, will make publications on the blog.
thank, from my heart, all my readers for having been close so far and I would be very happy to read some comments also to understand which parts of my stories like best and what not. I hope you will continue to be close to me, although I will write less frequently.
My stay here for now, is expected until the end of the courses that I have undertaken. I hope to complete this project even if they are aware that, as has already happened, overnight, everything could change again.
Now I'm going to sleep tomorrow morning .. woke up at 6:30, but I do it with great pleasure because I do something I love and I'm passionate about. Like all things, positive and negative aspects.
............ But every time I dive from the boat, raised his left hand with the hose to empty the air from my vest and I still get down, get down, what I feel is indescribable! See moving behind the glass of my mask the water line that separates the real world from underground and then put myself in that paradise of colors, lights, animals, sounds different every time .......
do not know if I'll ever getting bored of it all!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 /recipes
Stay two nights in San Pedro Sula was not particularly pleasant. This metropolis, the largest of the capital Tegucigalpa, is dirty, smelly and extremely chaotic. The waste is piled in the streets and the bags are torn and bitten by stray dogs, the smell mixes with the exhaust smell coming from the ACR and many fast-food restaurants.
Motorists seem crazy and play the annoying clacsons continuously for tens of seconds.
Apart from the great cathedral in the central square and a small craft market and bare, I could not find anything interesting. I could not feel at ease, I did not like the looks, I I felt observed and sometimes even later. Someone stopped me on the street shouting something incomprehensible in English, asking me to change money to buy drugs.
People were not willing to give information and, with every taxi driver I had to first negotiate the price for not being cheated. I took advantage of that city just to buy a camera after trying in vain to someone who can repair mine. After a few laps in the shops of the center was able to conclude a bargain.
The only thing that was really exciting to come out unscathed from a very unusual incident.
In the late afternoon I went on one of the thousands of coaches that, at full speed, travel the city streets carrying as many passengers as possible. The charge to the tickets, along the way, must come down several times, and stamping a cardboard folder (hanging at the bus stops) on which is printed the time and place. This task would require drivers to not pause too long to stop, but to collect as many passengers, the same stop and then try to recover, at speed, in traffic rather than intense, those precious minutes.
The van was yellow and very shabby. Was directed to the large 5-storey shopping mall, just outside the center, the only place where you can stay safe at night, eat something or seeing a movie at the cinema. The
bigliettatio was about my age, curly hair, dark complexion and a aspettto very dirty. In continuation with an irritating frequency "pulling up the nose and moved his jaws in a strange way. It was completely made of cocaine and who knows what else. When we started, even without seeing him in the face, I realized that the driver was under the same conditions. He drove like a crazy accelerating sharply zizagando and landslides in other cars. A lady, very intelligent, he went down after one stop cursing.
During a stop, a man sitting on an unstable chair, finished even on the ground.
When the wild ride finally ended in many got out of the station. With the corner of my eye climb I saw a woman with three children. I worried for her, I wanted to be able to tell, but I did not know how. I walked toward the mall, but after a few seconds, I heard behind me a great thud, the infrngersi glass falling to the ground and the screams of a man. I turned and saw the scene: a large white truck that I could not go from there, it was entangled with the top of the car pulling up to the wires of the light, completely, one of the wooden poles knocking on the front windshield of pulmmino again parked. Shattered glass and bent the frame while the two wires sparking in the air surge. Fortunately, the driver and the boy had fallen. I was relieved when I realized that no one was hurt: I saw the lady with the children off the bus running scared and unaware of what had happened.
In seconds you created a gathering of people and the atmosphere began to heat up, so I thought I left and walked toward the mall. When I was safe in there, it starts to make me a few questions: "What if the truck had arrived 30 seconds before it, and if we were to charge more people and had been slow?" They could get hurt many people, among them, myself.
the evening, before bed, I thanked God for having, once again, watch over me.
Naruto 4 Tailed Naruto Sprite Sheet
Not only have I managed to get on the island of Utila in Honduras in one day, but they are not even able to get out of Belize. At the bus station in Belize City, a gentleman very kindly gave me much information forgetting, however, some small detail. I did take the bus to Punta Gorda, the southernmost city in Belize.
According to him, I had to go down to about 2 / 3 of the course, Independence, from where, with a spear, in 15 minutes I would come to Placencia is a small holiday resort located on the tip of a small, narrow peninsula. From there I took a boat that cuts in half the Gulf of Honduras direttamante arriving in Puerto Cortes. I thus avoid engaging in Guatemala and to change many means to reach the city of La Ceiba, from where boats bound for Utila. None of this has happened ......
I left Belize City to Placencia in the south, surrounded by a pale green tropical landscape. After more than three hours of travel, the ticket guy who was aware of my destination, I motioned for him to get off to a different bus stop on the roadside, pointing in the opposite direction, with the inscription "Placencia. I have to take a boat to Independence, but ... Not having much time to think, I gathered my things and changed my bus. After a few km to the south, returning to Belize City, turn right. We drove all over the country, always to south, I could see the sea, both right and left.
The coast facing the Atlantic Ocean is a long white-sand Caribbean beach with endless houses, small hotels, houses and a couple of villages. A
any, small piles in front of the house, a 30ina meters into the water with hammocks and colorful wooden chairs, could participate in the competition "The most relaxing place in the world." A
Placencia I went into a center for tourist information for diving and where Bernabe, a guy who works there, informed me that the boat to Puerto Cortez, there is only once a week, on Friday. He was very kind and helpful and gave me a lot of information, including contact with a Spaniard who lives on the island of Utila.
In the end, so I took the famous boat in the opposite direction, to achieve Independence from where I rode the bus to Punta Gorda FOR THE SECOND TIME.
We arrived late in the afternoon the last boat to enter in Guatemala was 16.00, and I have lost. I found a place to sleep in a little 'out of the center, if it can be defined, I was informed of the schedule for tomorrow, I ate a fish burger at a Chinese restaurant, walked along the deserted streets of this village and I'm back in the room. On the streets there is almost no one, so it looks like a ghost town. There Only a few men of color that greets in a friendly way, but then you realize that just wants to sell you drugs, just as happened in Cayo Caulker.
A girl from Nicaragua, completely under the influence of cocaine and more, I stopped, but after talking with her a few minutes, without being rude, but firmly I got rid of his presence.
may sound strange, "Chinese restaurant here. In fact all along the Caribbean coast of Belize at the very least, the Chinese have a monopoly of the mini-market and, for example, in Cayo Caulker there are at least six Chinese restaurants where they cook, mostly burgers, fries and fried chicken leggermenti at prices cheaper than others.
Now, I will read a bit 'and then try to sleep. Tomorrow ............... you go to Honduras!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Condor Air Rifle For Sale
I came here with the intention to attend the advanced course of SUB, before going to Mexico, Costa Maya and diving deeper than 18 meters, as my current patent allows me. But ........... there's only one book in English on the island nor nor that close up. I opted, as well, for a package that no course includes 5 dives in two days, including one in the famous Blue Hole.
The first day I had a great time in both diving: I met Miguel, a Madrid forty computer, here on vacation for two weeks with his wife. The group consisted of 20 people plus the instructor, 3 assistants and dive-master as the captain of the boat.
used to having the attention, and Luca Toni (Huatulco) had to learn to get along alone, prepare the equipment to be ready when it came to entering the water. We divided into 4 groups. Just stuck my head under the water I realized that was a different experience from the previous ones, in the Pacific.
The visibility was about 50 m, compared with 7 of the last two dives of Huatulco. The water was crystal clear and very bright: everything seemed bigger! I was in a huge park of lights and colors. Corals, like flowers in a garden resplendent colors incredible and were surrounded by tropical fish of all shapes and sizes.
eagle (fish-like race) at least 2 meters, was coming slowly. He moved with grace and seemed to be flying slowly moving the big "wings". I came very close, and with class aristrocratica and so vain, he showed me his back dark blue studded with white rods that looked like hand-embroidered on a Persian rug. I saw a couple of barracuda more than 2 meters long, motionless behind a rock, probably resting after lunch.
Both dives were very successful and left me incredulous and fascinated by the beauty of that enchanted world, clean, clear, live, a world rich .... amazing to say the least, WONDERFUL!
the interval between the two dives, during breaks necessary to remove the amount of nitrogen accumulated, we did snorkley near the boat in an area with a very high density of marine life. During that half hour I saw for the first time, a shark. No I know the exact name of the breed: a little more than underground, dark, with long side fins and wandered air disinterested
almost as a tourist.
the second dive, a large and beautiful shell, arrived with a few inches from the nose mask of a guy who, if he did not have the air regulator in my mouth, probably, 'would be in the kiss.
I went home very happy, because I was both amused and also because I realized that every time, acquire more control and security with my equipment and the marine world. While admiring the sunset, sitting on a dock, I remember the fantastic day and trembled, waiting for the next one.
............. Wake up at 5, meeting at 5:30, starting with the boat at 6:15, arriving at 8:00 at the Blue Hole.
The number of participants had been halved and it made me happy because the atmosphere on the boat was less chaotic and more relaxing. I made fast friends with Fred and Mayeul (French version of Manolo). The Italian living and working in Tunisia, is on vacation for 2 weeks and comes from Cancun, where she will fly back Tuesday night. French is almost at the end of a long journey that began eight months ago in Argentina. He had planned to arrive in Alaska, but is missing two months to return home and has not even been able to enter Mexico, but I perfectly understand the delay.
now it was clear that our level of certification for diving he had practically nothing, as I hear, with OPEN WATER, that is my current, all over the world do you get off to a depth greater than 18 meters.
The day before I arrived at 28 and I knew I was going to reach 40. Swimming for about 100 m to the surface, reached the inside of the large hole, and began to descend. I was the first to follow the instructor I did not want to be in the middle of the group where I discovered to my cost, which is very easy to take a fin or an unintentional slap your neighbor, because of the reduced field of vision of the mask. We approached the huge wall of white coral "dirty" and the visibility was not exceptional: 15-20 approx. Below me I saw the darkness of the depths to sink to the center of the earth, along the endless wall adorned with stalactites wrinkled 20 m long, the diameter of an oak tree of the Mayan jungle. After reaching the maximum
pèrofondità, the instructor waved me to continue and begin to rise slowly along the wall. Thus, in the lead, I began to do the slalom among the stalactites and rocks sticking out like the arms of a huge giant. I like being on another planet and I was incredulous in admiring the unique scenery! During this dive, the instructor and his assistant were very thorough and more careful than usual, fought their tanks with small metal bars attracting all the time, our attention, we counted all the time and made sure that no one goes away. Going back to the surface, the water became more clear and bright and visibility increased. I was very concentrated on the experience just made it and I could not wait to be able to tell someone. Swam calm before the group, about 15m depth, near the bottom of white sand, when suddenly I saw, next to me, a few feet away, a square muzzle, and immediately after, dark eyes and deep, then, his whole body, 2 m long - certainly was taller than me. Approached, but did not seem directed at me: it was a shark!
"Shit this is one of the real ones," I shouted in my mind. He was the typical gray shark with white contours of the mouth, the snout and eyes threatening. On his way to swim, to move, his expression hard, his eyes still, his imposing body, the scales, every feature made him the absolute master of that territory, the most evil, ruthless and dangerous king of the sea. Like a lion in the bush, was around, undisturbed (nearly) in search of food.
I made sure that was not a hallucination and I turned to snap to alert my teammates. I had not yet reached everyone and only Manolo saw coming toward me, and behind him, about ten meters, I saw another who was following him, without his knowing it. I turned back to check "my", she walked past me without, thankfully, take into consideration. A few minutes later came the rest of my companions and, with them, other sharks were everywhere: on the right, left, above, below - I could not believe it, I could not believe. There was no glass aquarium, no cage, no 3D display, it was all true, everything just incredible! I was really, swimming among the sharks! I was aware that at any time, with only a sudden movement, any of them could attack me and take my life. I could not help but submit to their supremacy, respect their territory and do not break the rules. The adrenaline, the wonder, and a strong emotion, had the upper hand and even for a moment, I can say I was really scared.
I could not, of course, count them but they were more than ten and continued to turn around for the duration of stay of about 5 minutes to 5 m deep.
Risaliti on the surface, our enthusiasm was sky: the instructor told us that this season is not easy to meet, and in no such numbers.
I informed my companions of good fortune I have, since I started practicing the sport of spotting marine animals, and got into the boat, with a beaming smile, Manolo hugged me warmly, as if it was my doing.
The second dive was at Light House Reef, or also called, the 'Aquarium'. We walked, aided by the current, hundreds of meters along the reef. There were many fish, shellfish, shells, crustaceans coral purple, yellow, red and many other colors. It lasted 40 minutes and ended in a large open space. It was very funny, charming and just the place, they say, the best of its kind in the world, but I, frankly, I was still leading the sharks. Made me forget it was something incredible. Also during the usual rest, to eliminate the accumulated nitrogen, did somersaults on myself, I looked around and tried to remain neutral in the floatable stopped at the same depth. As a documentary for National Geograpich, projected onto a cinema screen from the background green water, the dolphins arrived! I was open mouth (so to speak) - still, immobile, paralyzed. They came to me, I counted 16. Blessed and happy dancing, going side by another and with their lines, drew water arches. The light was strong and the water was clear, as if there were lights that lit up the show. I took some pictures in my mind and I just close my eyes to relive that emotion.
The only experience that could happen during the 3rd dive was to see a whale, but ........ did not happen.
What a day! Blue Hole, coral reefs, sharks, dolphins, Caribbean islands ....
still do not seem true, I swam among the sharks: yes this is one thing to tell my son, if one day I'll have one.
Tomorrow, it starts: a roadmap completely changed for the umpteenth time. At first I thought I would go north, back into Mexico and go diving to discover the island of Cozumel and Tulum, however, go south to Honduras on a small island called Utila that, I am told, be place by far cheaper to dive there, I would like to attend the advanced course. I
the 1st boat to Belize City at 6:30. I want to leave early because of that area do not have a guide and I have only a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe route that I will face. I hope to get there in one day.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Michael Jackson Ignores The Paparazzi
I'm sitting on one of the many piers constructed with wooden planks that surround the tiny island of Cayo Caulker, a few miles from Belize City. `I arrived in the capital Tuesday, early afternoon. At a bus station, near the border with Guatemala, while I was waiting, I immediately noticed the many environmental and cultural diversity between the two neighboring states.
me is enough to buy a bottle of water to understand that the cost of living here is very different from the one in Guatemala and Mexico. As I climbed on the bus
dirty and shabby, coror gray rat, a big black man I shouted something in a strange and dirty English, very similar to the one spoken in Antigua-Barbuda from local people, and I took the backpack and it has beaten, without much regard to the last seat two people passing by a door in the back of the bus. Within minutes my backpack and has been buried by other bags, suitcases and luggage different. Vincent and I met John, the first German and the other American. John is dropped after a few km away by his friend with whom he traveled for the past three weeks and that he had met in Antigua in Guatemala. Vincent speaks enough English and enjoys an almost perfect English. E 'on the road for more than 5 months, has just finished the course "Open Water" by divers, just like me, and was also directed him to Cayo Caulker. We have spent little, to make friends and, between a story and another, three hours after we arrived in Belize City.
Let the heavy backpacks and the facts TICKETS to the island, we ate a big plate meat accompanied by rice and potatoes in a restaurant that had just filled with students in school uniform, including large stuffed tortillas.
I can not say that the capital has impressed me, and after the walking tour recommended by the guide, I thought I would have already seen everything. I had never seen so many times driving, looking for information, studying maps, as in those few hours with Vincent. I'm pretty scrupulous traveler for certain things, but compared to my German friend, I looked like a tramp in jeopardy.
island we went to see two hostels which Vincent already knew the names and addresses. We walked enough and then we decided for the first. It's called Tita and is close where we arrived at the marina. Aesthetically it is very rustic and charming, just a few meters from the sea with a sand garden decorated with murals and stone chairs around wooden tables. The colors and give it a touch of Caribbean hammocks and, entering, you find that great and is much more than it seems from outside.
$ 21 in Belize, here changed to U.S. $ 10.5 for a bed in a room with 4 other guys. Shared bathrooms and a spacious kitchen with little plates and plastic cups. Room on the ground, there was a bit of everything: bags, dirty clothes, bottles, slippers, shoes, a guitar, plastic bags ...
I had a shower in the bathroom which had now assumed the appearance of "End of the day" and I went to sit in the garden with Vincent. Every time I went in and out from one of the doors, I met a new face, the hostel was completely full and everyone was talking strictly English! In front of the sea and sipping a glass of rum and coke, Vincent told me a little bit of his life. He's only 20 years, an athletic body, short hair and fine straw-colored, gray eyes and fair skin. His soft-featured face expresses intelligence, seriousness is goodness within.
to contradict the good guy's face were his stories of five years of kick boxing, where he reached the highest levels, to compete for international securities where, unfortunately, had stopped for an accident due to knee. He says that he had always lived as a discipline is very hard and strict, but never as a way to learn to do harm to someone. He never loved the environment of the sport, made up of thugs and bullies. His stories were characterized by great humility and I really liked the fact that it boasts of almost anything. A few months ago, one night in Nicaragua, has been attacked by a guy with a knife. He told me that when the boy is approached and opened his arms in defiance and demanded money, his instincts took over. Five more seconds later, while he ran the quickest possible way home, the criminal was lying in agony on the ground: it had struck him with a right hook under the chin and did not need another punch to put it out on the ground. A kick in the ribs and another in the face, were enough to "finish him".
"I'm sorry you did. At this time I could be dead. He might be someone hiding with a gun. I do not know what is happened in those few seconds, I knew I could hit him and beat him easily. The My brain automatically analyzed its size, height, arm muscles, shoulder width and the size of the neck. When you put in that position, with open arms a few cm from me, I could not control mei movements and hit him with all my strength. I had never done a fight on the street and even less used techniques learned in 6 years of hard training against someone, if not within a ring. This time it is successful and I know that he risked his life in doing so. Next time, I'll limit myself to 'do everything to empty your wallet and go with my legs. "
After midnight we went to sleep and I, this morning, I found a small hotel, for the same price, I gives a room (for me) like that of the hostel, Vincent did not want to split, which would have been convenient for both and, after asking for information on advanced diving course, our paths have separated.
Hacking Katesplayground
It was still daylight when, in the silence of the streets cold and dark, I went from San Cristobal. Because of the strong live music coming from 'the other side of the wall of my dorm where Charlie, the owner of both local hires rock bands three nights a week, I had hardly slept a wink. The doors of the pub
Charly were closed, but inside, it was a private party in full swing.
arrived in Palenque in the late morning and spent the whole afternoon to go up and down the stairs of the pyramids in the Mayan archaeological site, located a few miles of the city. The main street of the town is in the process of restoration.
Every house, hotel, shop, on both sides of the road are being demolished. As I had anticipated, not Palenque has nothing as fascinating as the city center and the nightlife is almost non-existent. On direct bus to the ruins, after lunch with the best tacos on the street bought so far, I met Arthur, a boy of 12 years that he offered to be my guide 'to the site for a bargain price. Accompanied by his brother of 10, I had to walk around the jungle giving me detailed explanations about the name on the vegetation and some scholars, discoverers dellla ruins. I could, then get some more information on the pyramids from my guide and seeing a documentary in the archaeological museum.
Arturo and her brother were a good company and took advantage of their presence to make me take some pictures at the top of large stone buildings.
The next day I went to the waterfalls of Agua Azul, a little more than 60 km along the main road back to San Cristobal. I arrived early and was able, So, enjoy the wonder almost completely alone. I breakfasted with a "cocktail" of fruit: pineapple, papaya, watermelon, melon and mango stuffed in a plastic cup, sitting on the ground with their feet dangling from a wooden fence and under me ... A majestic waterfall of crystal clear water that turned into many pools. I left when the first came pullmanns of tourists to turn off the spell and to cover, with their shouting, the symphony in which nature had enveloped me. I went, So, to the waterfalls of Misol He , On the way back to Palenque. The major types are completely different, but equally fascinating ': A journey through the wet rocks can go behind the waterfall that plunges 40 meters into a small lake. I knew that water was cold and I saw only two boys enter. I tried to resist, but when the sun of the afternoon it began to beat more strongly, I could not restrain myself and had a swim. I returned to Palenque very tired and I had dinner with a vegetable soup, drinking hot tea with lemon. They were a bit of day I felt a pain in the stomach, perhaps the last time I was put to the test, eating any food, even if unknown to me. When I returned to the room at about 21:00, something happened to me strange: I felt a great desire to vomit and I had to restrain myself from not doing so. Severe nausea was added to a sudden rise in body temperature and began to tremble from the cold, although there are 30 degrees in the room. I was awake at 5:15 to catch the 6:00 of the minibus to the border with Guatemala. At 4:25, after more than 3 hours of light sleep, I woke up. `So I hurried the preparations to take the 5:00 bus. Three hours later I was Corazol border, from where the single-engine boats directly to the ruins of Yaxchilan and those directed to small and remote city of Bethel, where there is `the customs office to enter Guatemala. To mark the boundary between the two countries is the river and there are different options to cross it. I gave up the trip to the ruins because of the enormous price that I asked the information desk: 700 pesos to be paid only by being the only participant to add up to another 400 to get to Bethel and cross the border.
The tour price of close to that of the 2-day tour offered by the agencies in San Cristobal and deemed it absolutely illogical. I said that I would have to wait for other people to split the fare and sat on a bench. The responses of the people who requested information were left very vague and easily transpire that there was a scam.
Thus I made my way alone to the boats moored to the riverbank.
I thought, "You can not that a Mexican who wants to cross the border must bear the expense. "I did not have time to get to the bottom of the stone staircase, when a guy stopped me and asked 'where I was heading.
For 50 pesos I crossed the river in about 2 minutes with the same man who had asked the 400 appears as a single option. I changed my 500 pesos on the other side, in Guatemalan soil, discussed on the discussion, but certainly was not very favorable for me.
At 9:00 I went on the old and dusty bus that `shares only after half an hour when the driver and his helper ended up making breakfast of fried chicken and fries in a kiosk in front of you.
the country, very poor, it is composed of, at most, 20 houses surrounded by greenery.
The same man who had changed the money you `facing the door of the bus I was the only passenger, and took 50 quetzal for an imaginary business. Paid him, and I saw him reach the two sat down to eat.
gave money to the guy who takes care of payments, with the other hand, gave him the rest: he had got his commission and the little that I managed to give me more in return. I had been ripped off 3 times within an hour.
I've tried to make `this does not happen and I had paid small sums of money greater than the real ones, but the thought of being treated differently by the locals made me nervous. You may consider, according me, a form of racism, where the rights of a person to change depending on your country of origin. This happens in all countries of Central America.
We started walking, moderate-speed ', the dirt road, dusty in the midst of endless prairies of plantations of bananas, mangoes and other tropical fruits. After more than an hour, we came to Bethel, we stopped to wait for half an hour something that never arrive '. Time passed slowly, as the mileage.
In the din of the rickety bus, the temperature increased steadily. Could not open the windows to avoid being invaded by a cloud of white dust raised by the other vehicles coming in the opposite direction.
I thought, "Of course a hole rubber in that place must be a really good breaking balls. "` I do not spend half an hour that a tremendous blast that made me think of me I was right "gufata" alone. Bucammo the right rear and lost another 40 minutes to change . Along the way, arid and endless rose more and more people, but no one fell! I was trying to stay awake and fight fatigue. They told me that I arrived in Flores in 3 hours.
Instead: 4 were of gravel road and an asphalt to Santa Elena. It was an exhausting journey, we made stops at least 100, bucammo a tire, crossed herds of cows that walked free on the street and the most fun thing was that in Flores, I even brought us.
I got exhausted from the bus, sweaty, dirty, with a layer of dust visible to the naked eye deposited on the skin. Total: 10 hours travel nightmare, with hardly slept, ate, drank or going to the bathroom.
the bus station, took a tuc-tuc, and I did bring up to where buses depart for Belize.
I took a room near the bustling market. I went out to dinner quickly and now I try to rest. Tomorrow I get to Belize City. Another state, another culture, another language, other food, other people .... another adventure!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Masterbation Is Haram
Monday `I went to the 'Office of Human Rights" for information to visit a Zapatista community. I admit that, until now, almost completely ignorant of what were the ideals and actions of this active clandestine armed movement in Chiapas. A few nights ago, I witnessed a documentary screened on the wall of the Cathedral of San Cristobal.
Sitting on the floor along with about fifty people in a couple of hours, I managed to get an idea and understand what were the topics of the EZLN, which owes its name to the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata. Piqued my curiosity I did some research on the Internet is determined to want to go in person.
It was 12:30 when I walked into the office and the secretary I notice is that the (pre-visit) to the organization, was in full swing in the next room. About a dozen of children of different nationalities, sitting around a large table, took notes and followed with attention the words of a woman strong and very serious-looking, as that of my Italian teacher in high school. My community, without smiling, that the "lesson" was about to end but I still call 'to take place. I declined the invitation and I simply ask when would be the next. "` Every Monday from 11.00 to 13.00, "he said calmly but` austere, taking care to articulate the words properly to avoid being forced to repeat and prolong the interruption of his prayer, the content certainly very interesting. I apologized for the trouble and left the room. As I walked under the sun of early afternoon, in the crowded streets of the city, looking for a place to eat, I thought that I could not stop in a week more just to make a two-hour course on the Zapatistas, and I decided is that we I went on my own.
In truth, I was driven only by a strong curiosity, far from any interest politically motivated.
The next morning I got up early and walked to the market in search of a means of direct transport to the small community called Oventik. It was a cold, wet morning, the sky was covered by dense white clouds intent on hiding the tops of the mountains surrounding the city. I was not in great shape, suffering from a bad cold and I felt weak because of some line fever.
The problem here is that on cloudy days, the temperature drops dramatically and the rooms are almost all devoid of heating. The first of these is my hostel.
In the great room to sleep, the night temperature is not much higher than the outside. There is, therefore, at least for me, shivering in the pleasure of walking into a room and be able to undress and heat over a cup of hot tea. Perhaps this happens in places that I considered "luxury", where a dinner might cost the equivalent of 5 nights in the cold and my modest hostel. On the contrary, most of the bars and restaurants keep their doors open as an invitation to major customers, `But that must be careful not to sit in the middle of a cold current.
I had never crossed before, the market of San Cristobal, located behind the craft, mostly to tourists. A large corner of "real Mexico" comes to life in the north of the city. The traffic, the din of clacsons, the cries of vendors, music from all over, people who like to sneak into a nest among the cars in columns to immerse yourself in the expanse of stalls, produce a noisy and chaotic environment.
the street can walk on it while walking around and if you are not careful, even the walk to the wrong person. After 30 minutes of waiting and a salad purchased from an elderly man who moved with plastic containers on a tray, as an experienced waiter, finally departed.
made me get off the taxi on the roadside in front of a large red gate, 60 miles north of San Cristobal, in the mountains an hour and a half before innebbiate admired the town. Behind those cold, wet bars, surrounded by dense fog, and there were two strong men of average height. Both were wearing walking boots, jeans, heavy wool sweaters with dark colors. A distinguished and to attract my attention, blacks were the hood which covered their head completely and leaving his face to see, only the eyes. They asked me my passport and only after having brought him in to office and having received permission, I did pass.
The community is on the sides of a cobbled street down, 500m long, which ends with a big square of concrete brick color. After my ID and some brief questions from three members sitting behind an old wooden table, they accompany me to one of the colorful houses along the road. The buildings were mostly used as offices, stores, houses, and decorated with colorful murals representing images, faces, flags of the revolutionary movement. A couple of English guys had preceded me a few minutes and I had to wait outside in the cold for about half an hour.
The fog was very thick and dense, driven by moving wind if a few meters away was a large fire broke out. The clouds of smoke made it hard on the Environment and silent, almost eerie, ghostly. Sir, I have deliberately decided to call "The Captain", kindly welcomed me into the room and made me sit on a wooden bench. He sat behind the big desk, full of sheets stored in an orderly way, and start talking `. The tone of his voice was quiet and slightly hoarse and his words, spoken with great conviction and firmness, echoed in the empty room. She held hands with fingers crossed. They were strong hands of a worker, marked by dark and cold. Sconpose not even a second from his statuesque posture and looked at me straight in the eye.
In those few inches defined by the hood, I could learn more if I had seen his face uncovered. "The eyes are the mirror of the soul," someone once said ... dovendomi and just focus on them, I felt strongly idealistic energy and spirit that we send. The pupils, black and shiny like beads of tourmaline, highlighted the determination of the man hooded and red blood that surrounded, symbolized the passion and effort with which he was performing his role within the community independently.
Behind him, the flag symbol of the movement, completely black with the words red fire, "Democracia, justicia y libertad" arch-shaped, with a big star in the middle representing the five continents. More below, the EZLN acronym that means: Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. The conversation was very engaging and interesting, and I, many times, I could not stop myself from interrupting to ask questions. I left the room satisfied with the meeting and the special and unique, experience of life. Near the exit, in the small craft shop, I admired the great photos on the walls and as compensation for the time dedicated to free, I bought a T-shirt as a souvenir, and above it printed in red the face of Subcomandante Marcos, Zapatista Army spokesman.
I was struck by words such as "bad governance, independence, tired of waiting, the Our land, our water, our air ...." and on the return journey I stopped to reflect. I do not want and do not possess sufficient knowledge to be able to deploy, simply admire the effort of those people who give life, time and money to combat and support their cause.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
How Long For Temazepam To Kick In
Sunday morning, Victor, the brother of my friend Marcos, came to fetch us at the end of the island at the intersection of Calle de Guadalupe, in front of his hardware store. `It comes on an old and a little 'wrecked' PK, I think, many years ago, was white. A few blocks later we loaded more Chico, who met us as hopping a gazelle being chased by a hungry cheetah. `Crouched behind the two seats in a small space dedicated to passengers not sure. Her hair tied accentuated the angular features of his face thinner and longer trimmed goatee without a mustache. He wore a gray hooded sweatshirt, at least two more large sizes and a pair of camouflage shorts. Red eyes and shiny and that a more joyful, lively and a bit 'lost, from "Alice in Wonderland" I made him understand that he had just smoke a "leek": a rod of pure Marijuana, without even a trace of tobacco, as used throughout Central and South America.
In succession, we went to Abram and Jorge prendre. The first made us sit in His big orange house with two floors, where lives with 4 other friends. We present to you is his little dog named Chita: a little brown chihuahua that wander around the house wagging happy arrival of new guests.
Among the small animal and its owner, there are at least 100kg of difference. The contrast between the large man with long dark hair, which probably descended from some ancient Viking ancestry, and her affectionate cheerful monster, was disturbing.
Jorge, the last one to pick, made us wait downstairs, having remained asleep even after long calls of alarm. I kept my place on the seats next to Victor, while his three friends sat on the cabinet rear and we set off towards the mountains.
I was calm, but excited at the same time `,` I'd never seen or experienced the `experience of the" war "with the bullets of paint.
Once in place, after the greetings, we hastened the preparations, to be the first to play. Wearing camouflage sleeveless jackets, helmets fitted with face shield and there armammo of airguns. Dictated the rules, entered the battlefield: 5000 square meters of forest, with constant ups and dices covered with shrubs forming small mountains. The field is bordered by a wooden fence. In some parts of the field, the walls were built with wooden planks long, about 3 meters high and 1.50, for use as a shelter during the battle. We were 2 teams of 5 players each. The goal of the first mission was the elimination, that is hit 3 times each member of the opposing team with paint bullets in any part of the body from the waist up. When someone hit for the third time, was eliminated, with raised hands and the gun pointed upwards, had to shout: "FUER" and leave the playing area, trying not to go in the "fire zone". We were not very skilled and conscientious even in the strategy, but in less than 30 minutes, still managed to defeat the opponent without even one of our were removed.
The second game was more long, and fought exciting. The rules of the first encounter remained unchanged, the target this time was to be able to get to take the opponent's flag hoisted on the opposite side of the field and at the same time, defend our behind us. We bought another 100 shots that score, leaving as many Abram, according to a tactic this time studied in more details should have remained in the rear to defend the flag. Me and Victor, we would have to be on the "front line" while Jorge Chico and we covered the shoulders. We began to move cautiously on the left side of the field hiding behind trees and walls in wood. In those moments, we are really excited, and knowing that it is just a game, the adrenaline flows in the veins quickly as the bullets are fired and can hit the opponent with precision up to a distance of 40 meters, causing, if hit on bare skin, a pain similar to that of a strong pinch.
I was really having fun, I was panting, sweating and very concentrated!
more I advanced along the bottom of the forest, grazing and the fence repaired by mounds of earth. I thought I could surprise the enemy coming out from the center of enemy fire, but I was not the only one with that idea! While peered from behind a tree on the mountain top where the flag waving, leaned his head on the right to be able to see some of my opponents. Suddenly, a bullet hits me is the I held that gun in his left hand pointing up and that I had carelessly left out of the coverage of the big pine tree.
The ball of paint exploded a few inches of my face understand the visor of the helmet of orange liquid. I threw myself on the floor with his back to the courts of the trunk and rough, while trying to regain visibility `wiping with a sleeve, I could hear the crackling of other bullets that came to repeat: I was fired from two different points! My opponent, who had the same idea, had seen me first and I was impressed. A find, was also the sniper on top of the mountain that would not stop shooting at me. I made a call to Victor, while crawling on the ground forced to retreat and he, from behind a wall, ran to my aid emptying half load to the man near the fence and forcing him to take cover and stop shooting. I managed to reach the hideout of Victor, as I covered her shoulders. I could feel the bullets passing close to the body and before the eyes, when I heard the sound of guns and flew out of impattavono when the ground near my feet against the trunks of trees.
Meanwhile I was running with his head down, ran the quickest possible! I felt like the protagonist of a film or even better, as his stunt double.
The enemy that I had shot, was in good aiming, but not as much patience. Once at the shelter, I waited for him: I knew where it was hidden and that sooner or later would have to come out. When lifted up his head after a few minutes of respite, while the heart of the battle had moved to the top of the forest, did not hesitate a moment and began to shoot. I hit him first to the neck (at the end of the game, smiling and shaking my hand he said that still hurt ...) and when you turn 'to me, three times in the chest in rapid succession, thus is its elimination. While, with his hands up and looked disconsolate left the field, taken my position and began to advance. The sniper had seen me and I knew that I was just waiting for a false move. Meanwhile, my companions had eliminated other two opponents, one of whom was wearing a white tracksuit, (Bianca!! I think there is less clothing suitable for that type of sports activity).
I still remember the scene: I saw him crawl out from behind a bush like a snake in search of food. I was too far to try to hit it with precision, and then I simply enjoy the scene. Unaware of being under fire 'surplus, fearless, on all fours and when he found himself `in the middle between his hiding place and the wooden wall a few meters in front of him, his rashness was punished severely. Assaulted by a barrage of bullets coming from the left and right simultaneously, and that changed the color of the sweat suit, was forced to withdraw.
agreement with Victor, we got together from our two stations, responding with force to attacks and focusing on the sniper. The latter was cosretto to crouch behind the wooden planks to avoid being hit and I approffitai the moment. I fiondai to the foot of the mountain and lay down with his back to the ground. At that time I was only about twenty meters from my rival, but is outside his field of vision. While listening to the roar of the battle behind me, undisturbed, I could work around the mountain and find me in a few minutes behind the enemy base. To climb the steep wall earthy and had to make more breaks, I was exhausted, sweaty and the visor, yet dirty, it tarnishes with my every breath. I slipped several times with his right hand leaning on the wet earth, while his left hand was holding the gun that was becoming more heavy. I felt the pungent scent of loam mixed with the aroma of the trees still wet after the frost in the morning.
reached the top, trying not to make too much noise, I found a few meters from the flag. The sniper was shot from behind, intent on shooting my teammates. I walked with slow steps and cat to turn around and waited. I kept the gun pointed at him, was less than 10 meters from me and between us, only the green flag that symbolized the fulfillment of the mission. When my team responded to the fire around 'shooting at me. Do not give him time to breathe and I downloaded a volley of bullets in the chest, leaving him still, with the painted face a mask of surprise, fear and forgiveness. I grabbed the flag with his right hand and stood up shouting at the sky. My classmates come out, too surprised and incredulous to see me on top of the mountain. No one had noticed I was gone for a few minutes, they were all too busy shooting themselves. I had won, we won! I was exhausted, breathed with difficulty, his legs could barely hold my weight, all had lasted nearly an hour and a half and I thought I just ran a marathon. The sweatshirt I was wearing was soaked with sweat and take off my helmet cloth was a huge relief. I was very happy, though, that I won and it was me in my team to triumph. I've always
been, still are and always will be `against any kind of war. I was never fascinated with weapons, much less the armies. I am thrilled to have been exempt from military service and, apart from playing with toy soldiers at the age of four years, war has never attracted me. `I will not waste unnecessary words, saying that it is wrong and that only leads to destruction, but I'll say` a, that what I attended on Sunday, has nothing to do with the war. It is simply a game, someone called sport, where the increased risk, if you follow the rules and forms of security, is to leave the field with some small bruise, which happens in any game of football. Yes, it is a simulation of war, but not for this may be considered unethical, unless you want to consider as immoral even an Olympic sport fencing, which is a simulation of a duel with swords.
I really enjoyed, I felt the adrenaline running through your veins and nele danger like a dog chasing me angry, all this with virtually no risk. The fact that the game is played in a wood, surrounded by nature on the slopes of the mountains of Chiapas, at least for me, has made competition even more realistic and exciting. Redo it `just` I will get the chance, I do not see anything wrong ...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Bmi Data Of Females From Another Country
I woke up at 7:30, I made a quick shower, prepared a backpack and walked to the south of the city. I crossed the main road between the Pan American hysterical screams and almost incomprehensible number of minibus drivers shouting their destinations trying to drown out the noise of traffic and that of clacsons taxi in search of customers.
Sitting comfortably enough, on a minibus with 12 seats, assigned Comitan, I admired the pristine landscape out the window. The high mountains covered by a dark green carpet of evergreen trees, is slowly transforming them into colorful hills of orange, ocher and pale green. The driver drove quickly but with caution and address the apparent curve of the road down safely. I have known Rudy, a Mexican boy, as were all the other passengers, about my age. He has thick eyebrows, flattened nose and his gentle smile is adorned with two small pits that form on the cheeks. He was very friendly and helpful in giving me information on how to reach the waterfalls Chiflon, where I was heading. After 'hours and 45 minutes of pleasant conversation with Rudy, who arrived in Comitan, about 80km south of San Cristobal de Las Casas, I went to another party collective that is after just three minutes after my arrival. He made some stops on the main road which crosses the city, completely filled, until he turned right immersed in the highlands of Chiapas. Half an hour more later, I ended curves, and with them also the mountains. On top of a hill, in front of me is proved to be an 'immense green plain, which was lost horizon.
The road was devoid of curves and mountains flanked the wall to my right.
I could not see the end and I felt a huge roller coaster with continuous ups and downs. Dropped crossing to the falls, I took a motorcycle taxi, or those in Antigua, Guatemala, more commonly called: Tuc-Tuc. He took me to the entrance of the park and from there I started my walk uphill along the river that runs along the entier. I made a few breaks, not so much for the effort, but to photograph the beautiful scenery that I had under my eyes. I came up on top, sweaty and eager to see the great waterfall about 80m high, dominated the landscape with overbearing authorities. It seemed to be the mother of those more experienced in small and modest way, that Creach at their feet beautiful natural pools of icy water. I wanted to tuffarmici within, Because to give up, I is enough to get the ankles and feet feel frozen.
I stayed there a couple of hours, sitting in the shade on a small wooden bench, under the imposing waterfall, refreshed by the breeze carried by the wind.
I am immersed in the pages of my book, mesmerized by the words and isolated from the noise of the huge mass of water falling from the sky. Only when people began to arrive to interrupt my silence, I sat on the way back.
Now I'm here, sitting on a stone bench around a table, on the river bank. The crystal clear emerald green water, descends slowly caressing the smooth rocks causing a rustle relaxing. The reflections of the sun they sparkle by covering with a cloak of brilliant. The brightly colored butterflies flying in the fresh air blending with the leaves, swinging, falling from the trees like snowflakes. Here, the anger, the strength and supremacy of the waterfall "mother" turns into a placid and gentle motion that patient flows to the bottom of white sand.
I try to relax, to enjoy fully this when surrounded by nature. Listening to the sounds of the forest and try to free my mind, but I can not! My thoughts are far from that enchanted place, slow flow, as the waters of the river, and me back in time. I try to defeat them, to swim against the tide to rise and the falls of love that I have filled my heart. I cling to every branch that protrudes from the shores of my soul, but I can not! Not yet. I can not forget, I can not think ....