02/21/1910 12/02/1910 05/02/1910
The feeling you get, the first time that you can breathe underwater, you can not 'forget. The fear is combined with the excitement, the wonder of succeeding, with anxiety that at any moment does not come more 'air from the strange object which is held between his teeth. The air enters the lungs and 'cold and dry like the one that reigns in the early morning on a snowy mountain. Every breath you hear the rustle of the mixture of oxygen and nitrogen pass into the respirator and the lungs fill, followed by the gurgle of air bubbles that form when you exhale and pass before the eyes wide open, go back quickly to the surface.
By pressing the red button you need to empty the jacket sleeve that holds the bottle placed behind you, it is void of air that makes you float and slowly begins to fall. The feeling of going down 'and' almost imperceptible because of visibility 'of the reduced form and a lot of concentration in the air. They are the ears, due to increased pressure, with long dense remind you to compensate. Arrived at the bottom, and supported for the first time my knees on the seabed to 7 meters deep 'it more' difficult thing is to stay balanced. It seems that someone that you can not see, you're pulling from side to side trying to make you fall to the ground. The belt of weights tied to life helps you to find some stability 'and to stop unnecessarily smanacciare seeking balance.
The first thing that I realized in moving underwater, and 'that nothing should be done with haste or quickly, every movement needs its time and move with a slow and steady pace helps to maintain control and stay calm. The body movements are completely unnatural, affected by breathing, exacerbated by the current and braked by the friction of water, it is not just to swim, but you must find the right line with a long list of elements to move around with ease .
course, this is consistent with exercise and with the experience and the first time and 'difficult, I think, for everybody.
I did the first dive, more 'than two weeks ago, along with Toni and Luke. It was so long that I wanted to have an experience like that and when he draws a proposed I did not pray. Whenever I was snorkeling and admiring the sea floor, I was dying to be able to get off and go into that mysterious and wonderful world and that 'the sea. Yes, and 'another world there under: color, light, sound, size, distance, atmosphere, animals, corals, plants, everything is' different, everything is' new and fascinating.
After a few minutes, just to be able to account for where I was, what I was doing and find the right floatable 'under water, we made a series of basic exercises in order to continue the immersion test.
If completed, with a little 'salt water in the stomach and into the nose, a bit' confused and a bit 'dazed, I began to follow Tonio who swam slowly past me, followed and supervised, in my turn to Luke who proceeded to my shoulders and, finally, to enjoy the fun. Tonio flush out the races completely camouflaged on the sandy bottom and very gently, touched them to make moves and I could see them swimming.
I've seen lobsters hidden among the rocks, moraines with their menacing expression, strange and colorful shellfish similar to artifacts of an expert craftsman, specimens of fish unknown to me and the great and majestic sea eagles swim a few meters above my head . L 'dive lasted 50 minutes with depth' of up to 12 meters. We left
water walking on the beach, as we had entered. The suit soaked with water, the jacket and the cylinder seemed to weigh 100kg and I could hardly walk with my feet sank into the sand, but 'I was very happy and excited about the final result of my first dive, and at that moment I decided that was not the last.
So, 'Two weeks' later, this Monday', I started diving course.
Tonio had given me a book of theory that I should study, a plastic table that I had to learn to use and a set of sheets to be completed for the certification of my course.
The book 'consists of 250 pages, enriched numerous illustrations and is divided into five chapters at the end of which there is' a test consisting of multiple choice questions and open answers. The topics and many things to remember are; The book, however ', is structured to repeat more' times the main concepts and require the student to read them constantly, making it easier to store. I worked hard in the studio, and I was sloppy in the end all of a few small test questions at the end of paragraphs.
The first day of the course included a series of 20 exercises to be conducted in confined waters. Cosi ', at 9.00 o'clock in the morning we found the beach in Santa Cruz, the country just 3 miles from Huatulco, where every day, the huge cruise ships dock from tutt'America. Tonio It took an hour just to explain the whole series of exercises that we had to play and teach the preparation of the so 'called "equipo de buceo", ie all the elements necessary to start the dive. Most of the exercises simulating an emergency situation by teaching breathing techniques or, for example, how to completely remove the mask in depth 'and rimettersela emptying the water.
and I 'happened to drink more' than one occasion and, other than water, and I 'entry into the nose. At some point I must admit that I also felt a bit 'of fear caused by the sense of helplessness that one feels in being aware that you can not 'leave an unpleasant situation in a few seconds, being at a depth of 7m,' but you and 'forced to stay calm and resist without losing control.
At 12:45, expiring this tutorial, I was really tired and I started to wonder if I could hold three days so 'intense. Luke gave me compliments and told me that, normally, what we did in 2 hours, takes 2 sessions of 2 hours each on different days and the worst, now, it was past the next few days would be been more 'relaxing and fun. So 'and' state.
Tuesday 'and Wednesday', we rented a small boat and went out to sea. After the dive on Tuesday, 'where I had already done the exercises with greater ease and safety, fun and really beginning to appreciate the underwater life, we went to the home of Born, the chief instructor. The villa 'very large and welcoming. The predominant color and 'white and up the stairs of the entrance, you arrive in the spacious dining room and kitchen, built in the open air in the shape of a small amphitheater and covered by a large thatched hut-shaped. While Luke washed with fresh water all the materials used and refilled the bottles in the garage on the ground floor, me and Tonio we sat at a table in the wood of the room, near the large pool from which you can 'see the sea in the distance. After a review of the last two chapters of the book and some practice tests, I decided to take the final exam and take away the pain. I have successfully passed, making only five errors on 50 multiple choice questions; Tonio shook my hand, and you 'complimented and signed all the papers that my promotion examination of state theory.
The next day we took off on board the motor boat and we did two dives with a break of 1 hour between one and another. I learned from a specific point, about fifty yards and go back out of the water without using a compass, to completely get rid of the crew and to call in depth 'and some other techniques to improve the floatable 'regulating breathing. At the end of all the exercises, to 8 m below sea level, Tonio shook my hand for a second time, he gave me the OK sign and so 'said my promotion to the course "OPEN WATER DIVER" certified by the most 'largest association of divers in the world, called PADI. Now I can, then dive anywhere in the world, under the supervision of an expert, not necessarily instructor, up to a depth 'of 18m. In reality, 'if I had the money and time, do not wait to do the next course "Advanced Open Water Diver" nell'appreddimento which consists of 5 different types of diving and issue a patent that allows to dive up to 40m, depth 'maximum allowed for the sub-recreation. I'm sure I'll do 'in a not too distant future, but' from another part of Central America, during my trip in a few days, will resume 'run its course.
finished the examination and successfully completed all the exercises, I began to follow Tonio and swim toward a canyon formed by the meeting of two large rocks at least 8m high. As I tried to remain at the heart of the cliffs, rocked by currents, the water suddenly became dark and the light `start` to decline slowly. I did not understand what was happening until Tonio is turned towards me and beckoned me to look up. Now I thought that a large boat was passing over us, but then, as that great dark spot was approaching, I saw it was a school of sardines. They were really a lot and swimming all close together as drawn by an unknown force.
The sport fascinates me and just the thought of being able to dive in places like the Caribbean Sea, where the visibility of 'Diving and' far superior to that of the Pacific Ocean, it increases my enthusiasm to continue this activity 'sports so 'unique and fascinating. I am sure that every dive is always different from all others and it's really impossible to be bored to 20m below the surface.