Albese Con Cassano (CO) - from March 14 to April 14, 2009 CIVIC CENTER
Fabio Casartelli
Via Roma 21 (12 050) +39 031 426 122
The theme suspect to be followed by a publication, wants to bring attention to the recovery of romantic structures, as well as being part of our memory, come to the right in our History and Heritage
Hours: Saturday and Sunday: 10.00/12.00 - 15.00/18.30; Tuesday: 14.00/16.00; Wednesday: 14.00/18.30 ; Thursday: 9.30/12.30; Friday 16.00/18.30 (may vary, always check by phone)
Vernissage: March 14, 2009. 18.30
Author: Dario Tagliabue (Email:
Sponsors: sponsored by the City of Albese with Cassano and the Museum of Ethnography and Water
genre: documentary, photography, personal
Source: / profilo/eventiV2.asp? idelemento = 68465