Thursday, February 28, 2008

Old Ladies In Gridles

39 seconds to get washing

We mixed the music with images of wash-60s: 39 seconds to figure out what we're talking. You see them on If you turn on the speakers you are missing a good half the fun.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wire Humidifier To Furnace

Draft functional recovery of the fountain and wash

Italy, Pontechianale (CN): The project for the functional recovery of the fountain and the washing continues the recovery process of the building began last spring. The new arrangement keeps the existing type without making any significant changes outside the artifact: the walls are the existing ones and also the coverage does not change, the work on the fountain and wash, to be achieved in the work of the DIA, the results recovery of the wash-basin and the construction of a new tank for the fountain as the existing one has been completely destroyed, but not in any way alter the appearance, or rather is made in the same way as the previous one.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Granite Headstone Cost

But where are the washrooms in Como?

Cesara Pavone and Cecilia Rusch them all mapped with Google Maps: see them here .

How Long Is The Shoe Size J10?

a million euro for small municipalities in the province of Latina, even for washing sinks

For the fourth consecutive year the Province of Latina involved with concrete measures to stimulate economic recovery of small communities and promote a harmonious development of the territory. The amount allocated this year to the municipalities up to 15,000 inhabitants is € 1 million has already been installed into the "economic development funds for small common. "Among the actions supported:

restoration, rehabilitation and recovery conservation of frescoes, votive pillars, communal ovens, fountains and sinks .

Can You Open Up An Adderall Capsule

But how many there are in Como?

The Planning Office in the Municipality of Como 2004 carried out a census on washing still present on its territory; record twenty-five, three of which were demolished and 'highly probable that there were other valleys of which are unknown and which, perhaps, some now elderly residents will still retain memories! The number, great, a real asset lost, led us to reflect on their fate, which resulted in the proposal presented here. It is not inappropriate to remember that washing in general, are part of the historical, artistic, demo-ethno-anthropological national as defined in Article 2 of Decree. 490/99 [Consolidation of laws relating to Cultural and Environmental Heritage]. We have therefore re-reviewed in turn, detect other 3 for a total of 28 . Of these, 10 are privately owned, and 18 other municipal property. The state in which pay is not homogeneous:
  • 3 were demolished
  • 8 are in operation
  • 7 are closed
  • 5 are in a state of abandonment
  • 5 have been converted to other functions.
View the list of sinks (pdf):